The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Do You Stay the Course or is it Time to Leave This Path?

How do you know if you should still stay the course or leave the path? I’m feeling frustrated. That frustration is directly impacting what I’m doing. But more than that, it’s also taking a toll on my self-image, self-worth, and other thoughts and emotions. Of course, it all comes down to money. Like many people, I have a love/hate relationship with money. I love having it and hate being a slave to it. The constant discomfort based on how much

How Do I Get and Stay Out of My Way More Regularly?

I know that it starts with recognizing what it looks like to get in my way. Self-sabotage is just one piece of an intricate puzzle. I am that puzzle. And that is complex because who I am now is both made of and not made of who I was in the past. Then, to complicate that, who I could be can only come from now and not who I was in the past. Lessons learned in the past can be

Are You Feeling Invisible? You’re Not Invisible and You’re Not Alone

Feeling invisible in a world with nearly 8 billion people is not weird or abnormal. The past couple of years has had an impact on everyone. It varies from person to person – but nobody has been excluded. Directly or indirectly, the past couple of years has been like no others before them. While that’s always the truth when it comes to the passage of time – the past 2 years have been overwhelming in all the ways they’ve been

Do I Adjust My Life’s Path – or – Does the Path Adjust Me?

The answer is Yes. Both the path and I adjust in various ways. The only constant in the entire Universe is Change. I repeat that a lot. Why? Because it can have a truly amazing impact on our life experiences when we recognize, acknowledge, and accept this truth. Everything you know – all the comfort zones you exist in – has changed before. They will change again. And then, after they change – they’ll still change. No matter how resistant

How Are Actions More More Powerful than Resolutions?

Actions don’t just speak louder than words – they move and change everything. New Year’s Eve is almost upon us. Besides various forms of celebration people participate in around the world – lots of people make New Year’s Resolutions. They resolve to go to the gym more, quit smoking, eat fewer carbs, spend less time surfing social media, and other similar notions. But there is a major problem with resolution. It’s rather impotent. How do I mean? Let’s begin by

Who is Blocking My Energy Flow and Why Does it Matter That It’s Me?

If I am blocking my energy flow it impacts everything I desire to do and achieve. There are two truths in this Universe that I believe without question. Change is the only constant in the Universe. Everything is made of energy that is constantly changed Recently, I learned that change is the only reason we exist. If the elements that make us up did not change – we would not be. Energy is what makes us. In fact, energy is

Can Making Choices and Doing What’s Best for You Harm Others?

Doing what’s best for you might harm others – but that’s likely beyond your control. When I was younger, I crowned myself the King of Indecision. I lived perpetually at a crossroads between two points. So that I wouldn’t make the wrong decision, I frequently made no decision. No decision, no harm, right? Wrong. By not making choices and deciding for myself how my life should be – I was the plaything of the Universe. Life lived me – save

One Path in Life Always Leads to Another Unique Path

So long as you’re alive – at the end of this path you will have another. Conscious reality creation is an ongoing action. Along this line, choosing a path for your life experience is not a singular act. There are multiple paths for our lives – some of which intersect while others run parallel or even perpendicular. Career paths, relationship paths, creativity paths, recreational paths – all are options and choices before each of us. Some are made more consciously

Don’t Trip Over How

Along any given path it’s easy to trip over how It’s been a decade since I began to seek, find, and walk my chosen path. This has occurred in fits and starts, with some success here and achievement there. But there is one hurdle, one obstacle that still tends to trip me up. How. Further, this gets complicated by walking the line of reality as it is now versus as it could be via conscious reality creation. I know where

Satisfaction or Success?

What if it’s not success we truly seek in life – but satisfaction? I have been on multiple quests throughout my life. Along the way, I have sought a place to truly call home. Not just the location. The notion of home – where I am rooted and meant to be. Though still a bit vague – I have found that. I sought a career. There were many different job ideas that I pursued. Radio DJ, theatre, graphic arts, journalism,