The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What If the Right Path Chosen Yesterday is the Wrong Path Today?

Right and wrong are seldom written in stone. The path will frequently change. How old are you? Do you think that you are who you were when you were 10 years old? How about 20 years old? Do you think you (or your path) are who you were even a year ago? The point is that you are always changing. Sometimes, it’s barely noticeable. Other times, it’s sudden. Some change is desirable – some less so. But change can, will,

Is It Normal To Question The Path That You’ve Chosen to Take?

It is not just normal to question the path, but necessary. At the start of the pandemic in 2020, I had an opportunity present itself to me. I was in the position to pursue the path I most desired to take. That was writing full-time. This excited me. So, I redoubled my efforts. That led to me publishing 3 books in 2020. An idea sparked a new direction for my writing. Rather than writing by the seat of my pants

What Do You Do When Your Path Isn’t What You Think It Is?

It’s your path – you can choose to reclaim it when you lose it. It doesn’t matter what paths you choose in life. I don’t think they ever go as intended. Why? Because life is full of uncertainty, situations, and circumstances way outside of your control. For example, I knew the plans we had around Christmas for months now. I was all set to carry them out. Everything was in place and set to go as of the Wednesday before

Are the Best Intentions Sometimes Not Enough to Avoid Conflict?

Your best Intentions are great – until they meet reality. Everybody makes mistakes. Some are big, some small. Most can be forgiven to one degree or another. When it comes to our intentions, it’s very easy to screw up. When you have no intent on causing hurt or harm – and then do – that’s a pain point. To quote playwright Oscar Wilde, “It is always with the best intentions that the worst work is done.” More than once, I

Can You Bring Other People Along on Your Life Path?

Yes – but no. Traveling companions on your life path are also on their own path. I’ve been married since May 2015. My wife and I have been together since the spring of 2011. I can’t imagine my life without her as a part of it. While in many ways we’re traveling along the same path – we’re not. Yes, we live together, do lots of different activities together, and are a partnership in this life. Yet still, our paths

Can The Path You’re Taking Ever Be the Same Path Again?

Are we taking the same path we might have taken before? There are nearly 8 billion people on this planet. Each and every one of us have our own paths to choose from in this life. At a minimum, that means there are 8 billion paths. Given that we all have more than one path to choose from, that number is probably exponentially higher. There are more likely billions upon billions, if not trillions of paths to choose from. Some

How Do You Choose to Navigate the River of Life?

Everyone gets to choose to swim, flow, float, or sink in the river of life. More than a decade ago, I decided that I was not going to just let life live me. I had a desire to choose the direction of my life – and what I would do with it. When I started blogging regularly at the beginning of 2012, my Pathwalking philosophy was born. Over time it’s evolved. A lot. And though many of the original tenets

Is Focusing Scattered Attention A Challenge for You Like it is For Me?

The name implies that scattered attention is scattered. But is it the same for everyone? I have a lot of metaphorical irons in the fire. These include: Working for an amazing entrepreneur part-time Editing existing work to send to the editor Working for an awesome web-training company part-time Writing the first book of my new sci-fi series Various things for my medieval reenactment society A web3/Metaverse game project Putting together my first speaking project It’s exciting stuff. This all works

When I know I Shouldn’t Do That – Why Do I Still Do That?

I shouldn’t do that, but I do. Lack of willpower? Distraction? Something else? Let’s explore. I know that I have an addiction to carbohydrates and sweets. Bread, cookies, pasta, candy, ice cream – everything that is bad for my overall health. This is why we tend to not keep bread, ice cream, and a lot of pasta in the house. However, my wife loves to bake, and bake for our friends – so these things still find their way here.

How Do You Choose to Stay Strong in This Crazy Timeline?

Staying strong is a choice. But some days – you can’t be strong. For the second time in 2 weeks, I have been directly exposed to COVID. Last time I tested negative. And this time I have tested negative again. But that doesn’t make it any less distressing. I am less worried about myself than about my wife. Not to overshare – but my immune system is stronger than hers. For more than 2 years, we’ve all lived in this