The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

The Zen of Positivity

True positivity is Zen. Many, many years ago, I was introduced to the idea of Zen when my best friend handed me the book Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryū Suzuki. FYI, if you have not read this book, I highly recommend it. Why? Because Zen is an ultimate state of calm, peace, and being present in the here and now. It’s often joked about and even made fun of. But it’s a very good place to be because it’s

After This Latest Insanity – Can Positivity Still be Found?

Yes, positivity can still be found. But it will probably be strictly personal. At the end of last week, the highest court in the United States did one of the most horrific things I could imagine. They took away the right of a person to choose what they do with their body. (Let’s be clear – if you think Roe v Wade was ever about the unborn and abortions – you are not paying attention). This was not the only

What is Positive Intention and Why does it Matter?

Positive intention gives us hope and is practiced with mindfulness. Lots and lots of people are struggling. After 2 years of a seemingly never-ending pandemic, an ugly, pointless war in Ukraine, the dark impact of reactionary conservatives in politics and business, and increasingly illogical anti-science and anti-reason campaigns, I know I’m exhausted. And so is virtually everyone else I know, too. No matter how strong you are, you can only take so much. Everyone reaches a point of saying, “That’s

What If You say “F*@k It” and Release Something You’re Holding In?

Sometimes release is necessary to clear your mind, heart, and soul. I have a lot of things going on in my head right now that are negatively impacting my life. They are making me feel small, disempowered, irked, flustered, and other sometimes conflicting adjectives I could apply. I strive to act regularly so that I don’t wind up holding back and holding things in. I learned a long time ago that holding stuff in leads to a lot of different

How Much Space Exists Between Negativity and Positivity?

I’m realizing that more space exists between than at the extremes on either end. As an avid reader who enjoys nonfiction as much as fiction – I love to learn new things. A lot of what I read is along the lines of my writing – positivity, conscious reality creation, mindfulness, and the like. As such, I’ve read through lots of different people from all sorts of variable backgrounds and their ideas and practices. Though I’ve long been a practitioner,

Is It Possible That I’m Wrong About Positivity Empowering People?

Yes, I might be wrong about positivity empowering people. If I am, I’m open to learning how and why. One Monday morning, in February 2014, I logged into Facebook. I was immediately bombarded by similar messages. Today is going to suck. I hate Mondays. What fresh fuckery will I deal with this week? Back to the terrible grind. And similar negative messages. Wow, I thought. So much negativity. I wonder what I can do about that? Thus began my Monday

How Might We Use the New Year for New Positivity?

The new year is an excellent time to start fresh – if you so choose. It’s hard to believe that 2021 is coming to a close. Seriously – how are we less than a week from the start of 2022 already? The past 2 years have been utterly unusual for everyone. The global pandemic forever changed the world in ways we still haven’t fully realized. We have seen utter extremes between the best in some people and the worst in

The Positivity or Negativity of Your Actions Are Your Truth

What your actions reflect – positivity or negativity – is the truth of your life. Nobody but you is inside your head, heart, or soul. Thus, nobody but you ever knows what you are thinking, what and how you’re feeling, or the intentions behind actions you take. Your actions, however, are how others can see what, where, how, why, and all else in concert with who you are. Your actions are how the outside world sees your inside self. This

See Incredible Potential and Possibilities for Life as Much as I Do?

Incredible potential and possibilities are not pie-in-the-sky idealism, but part of an abundance mindset. I know that life has been extra hard for people since the pandemic hit us. The world has been forever changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the best efforts of its deniers to pretend that nothing has happened – that’s just not true. Much of what came out of this experience has been unpleasant and ugly. Some of the very worst has been brought out in

How Does Toxic Positivity Actually Differ from True Positivity?

Toxic positivity is disempowering and does more harm than good. I am a big proponent of positivity. We live in a fear-based society, constantly bombarded by negative messages. Because they are so predominant, more positivity is the best offense to combat them. But all too often, positivity gets carried too far and turns toxic. And toxic positivity disempowers and makes the negativity worse. How? By mistreating negativity. Like it or not – negativity IS. Bad things happen. Shit goes down.