The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Come Mindset Matters With Everything You Choose To Do?

Mindset gives choices direction and intent. But not choosing is also a choice. Do you vote? Or are you one of those people who believes that your vote doesn’t count, so why bother? Voting or not voting is a choice. Choose to vote – even when your choices are between different stripes of asshole – and you are doing the minimal action available to you to impact the world at large. Choose not to vote, and you’re choosing to let

Can A Negative Experience Be Used for Positivity?

Life is a matter of balance and choices. For every extreme, there’s an opposite extreme. Up and down. Small and large. Left and right. Black and white. Tall and short. Good and evil. Positive and negative. Often, these extremes are personified as opposite sides of a coin. The problem with this is that coins are flat, and most things exist not at either extreme end, but somewhere between them. Take black and white, for example. Between these extremes is every

Why Not Find Your Joy Where You Find Your Joy?

Don’t let anyone rain on your parade. People love to knock things. Especially online. Everywhere you turn, someone has derogatory comments or criticism regarding things that bring people joy. For example, I am loving the Ahsoka series from Star Wars nearing the end of its initial run. Yet I’ve seen multiple posts about why it sucks, what’s wrong with it, and so on. Sorry if it’s not bringing you joy the same as it’s bringing me joy. An even better

Do You Take/Make Time to Do What/Be With Who You Love?

Life is too short not to do what/be with who you love. Not to be morbid – but you never know how long you have here. Life in the meatsuits we each occupy is finite. These bodies have – ideally – about 80 years of active life. That is, unfortunately, the ideal. The reality is that we might – for numerous reasons outside our control – have far less time. In the past 6 months, I’ve lost 2 friends to

What if Positivity is a Choice of Attitude – Not A Cure-All?

Toxic positivity ruins positivity’s true power to better your life. Positivity, in its truest, most genuine form, is a good and healthy attitude. It sparks productivity, creativity, and can be part of an overall sense of wellbeing. In and of itself, positivity is a constructive, good force for living without fear and combating artificial lack, scarcity, and the like. Unfortunately, genuine positivity is not the only form. Many have emphasized toxic positivity over the genuine article. Toxic positivity has been

Why is Disconnecting From Toxic People So Difficult?

Maybe because some of those toxic people are friends and family. Towards the end of 2022, I removed myself from Twitter. There was already far too much toxicity there for my liking, and when Mr. Musk decided to let Trump and several other assholes back on the platform, I removed myself and my support from it. I was only on Twitter mostly to promote my writing work. I don’t miss it or the toxicity of it. This week, my wife

When Life Sucks, What Do You Do?

Even when life sucks, YOU choose what you do with it. Christmas 2022 has come and gone. And this was a truly, spectacularly lousy holiday for me. It sucked. Lots. First, yes, I acknowledge that I’m whining. But I have a point to make and you need the context. It began Wednesday night when, for the first time in years, I felt a cold or something coming on. The next morning, I felt majorly off and unwell, took a COVID

How Much True Positivity is Too Much Positivity?

Unless it’s toxic positivity, there’s never too much to be had. Positivity has gotten a bad name of late. This is largely due to the many and loud proponents of toxic positivity. If you aren’t familiar with the term – toxic positivity is positive to the point of ignoring, disregarding, and pretending that all negatives don’t exist. Deny the bad, don’t even look at it. Keep a positive mindset and a positive attitude and all will be well. If you

Positivity Is a Choice to Empower Taking Control of Our Lives

Positivity is less about how we feel than about how we choose to approach our lives. How easy is it to feel bad? To find negativity in the world? To see darkness, sadness, and hopelessness? Too easy. Surf the internet. Watch cable news. Shouldn’t take more than a minute or two to start down that path. Because it is so extremely easy to find the bad and the negative in our world today – they often become dominant. And if

Why and How Does Genuine, Real Positivity Build Things and Empower?

Because genuine positivity is a creative force that will build things and empower us. Positivity is not a permanent state of being. That’s because, realistically, there is no single state of being for anyone. That’s just the way it works. We all go through various states of being depending on any number of circumstances both in and out of our control. Toxic positivity tends to postulate that always being positive in mind, body, and spirit is the end-all-be-all. But that’s