The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Can Today Be Made into a Notable Special Occasion?

You can choose to treat today as the special occasion you desire for it to be. Our culture has a major love affair with celebrating special occasions. These include birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, graduations, and many massive achievements like promotions, marriages, births, and so on. The focus, however, often gets rather narrow when it comes to defining a special occasion versus the everyday. People put so much energy, time, attention, and investment into a given special occasion that they ignore all

Today What Interesting Things Are We Going to do, Brain?

Today we do the same thing we do every day – make choices for our life experiences. Welcome to Monday. For many people, Monday is the true start of their week – back to work, back to school, back to rote, and routine. Lots of people come down from the weekend – and time off away from the 5-day repetitive cycle – and start the new week with trepidation, discord, and not the most positive or helpful approach. Because of

How Do You Wear Your Scars?

Scars can be sources of pride or regret. What do you choose? Everyone has scars. It’s true that some people have no physical scars to show. But emotional, mental, and spiritual scars are just as impactful. Visible or invisible, scars are a part of life for everyone. Some are very superficial while others run deep. Scars are like receipts – they’re proof of purchase for life. What does that even mean? Nobody lives in a perfect bubble. Period. Everyone has

Today Is a New Day

New day, new options, new choices – what will I do? When I woke up this morning, I had a choice. Focus on the problems, concerns, issues, and various negatives in my life. – Or – Seek, find, and/or create options, solutions, potential, possibilities, and positives. Choosing positivity over negativity cannot be in denial nor disregard for negativity. That’s how toxic positivity comes into being. This is about approach, intention, and action. But before I get into this, there is

When You Go Looking for Negativity You Will Find It

Actively looking for negativity does nobody any good at all. We all know people who are constantly complaining. With few exceptions, there is something they can and will say on the negative in virtually any given situation. And they always will. Why? Because when you are actively looking for negativity, you will find it. You will always find it. This is beyond the concept of conscious reality creation. That’s because anyone seeking negatives in a given situation tends to have

Reclaim Positivity

Positivity is always available. Sometimes you just need to reclaim it. For the first time in a long time, my depression has been dominating my experience. Over the past four or five days, I have been feeling more down than up, more negative than positive. I can think of several reasons why I am feeling this way: The sky has been grey for three straight days The temperature has been anywhere from 10-20 degrees cooler than normal for this time

Positivity Doesn’t Invalidate Negativity

One coin, two sides. Positivity and negativity will always both exist. I know a lot of people who think that positivity is a toxic notion. And, misapplied, they’re right. When you use positivity to negate and invalidate negativity – that is a toxic act. We simply cannot exist in a world with zero negativity. Life is all about dualities and paradoxes. Hence, yin and yang, black and white, up and down, and so on. Between these extremes are vast worlds

Repetition versus Insanity

Repetition can be good – until you repeat the same mistakes/errors again and again. The best way to improve any skill at all is to repeat it. Keep at it. Over and over. Repetition offers you an opportunity to build on an existing tangible or intangible thing. It tends to be an action such as writing or painting; altering or creating a habit like no longer chewing on your fingernails or setting a time for daily reading; improving a skill,

Better is Always Possible

One aspect of positivity is that better is always possible. When things are bad, they can – and generally do – get better. Maybe not immediately. Certainly not as quickly as you might prefer. But they can, and will, and do. Because consciousness creates reality – this is something to be mindful of. When your thoughts and feelings are mostly subconscious, seeing better in a negative or even neutral situation can be challenging. But when you practice mindfulness and are

Positivity Empowers Everyone

But beware of toxic positivity. I strive to be optimistic and positive. Because I am human – and I have good days and bad days – I don’t always get it right. There are days it’s hard to get out of bed and face what’s coming. They’re not frequent, but they happen. Further, things can and do occur during a given day where you might get thrown off your game. Just over seven years ago, I get onto Facebook on