The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 27

Independence is one of the primary reasons to walk one’s own path. The best definition from for independence is freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others. This is one of the main reasons to choose to walk our own path.  We want to be free, we want to be independent, we want to ultimately be in control of our own fate, our own destiny.  Sometimes winning that independence is easy.  But sometimes it is

Pathwalking 25

Thought + Feeling + Action = Pathwalking.  But another important element in this equation – quite possibly the glue that binds it, in fact – is discipline. Last post, I explained my issues with feeling.  Thought I have little problem with, but feeling is a whole other issue.  It is time to discipline myself to work on feeling out my thoughts. Discipline, unfortunately, has never been my strong suit. Without discipline, accomplishing the act of walking one’s path, let alone

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