The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 50

Confidence is important to Pathwalking. This is not to be confused with competence.  That’s necessary to many skills one may employ in the process of Pathwalking, but what I want to get into here is confidence. Confidence does not come easy for a lot of people.  We often feel that the way others judge us has a pretty major effect on what we are doing with our lives.  But the harshest judge of our confidence is usually ourselves. If I

Pathwalking 49

Old habits are hard to break. This is a phrase it is necessary to let go of in order to accomplish anything with Pathwalking. As I practice Pathwalking, I have found numerous old habits ingrained within my psyche that have held me back for most of my life, in one way or another. There are of course both good habits and bad habits.  So identifying whether the habit in question is a good one or a bad one is important. 

Pathwalking 47

Thank you. After “I am” these are probably the two most powerful words we can employ in our lives. And yet, we have a terrible habit of either under-using these words, or else using them without the corresponding feeling of gratitude. To say it is important.  But to feel it is even more important.  Gratitude is too powerful and too important to not be given the attention it deserves. I have talked about gratitude before, here.  And it never ceases

Pathwalking 46

While Pathwalking is a philosophy, Pathwalking is also the ultimate form of self help.  Why?  Because you and you alone are in control. I know many people who turn to various self-help gurus to find ways to do what I’ve been talking about here every week for the past eleven and a half months.  I myself have explored many of these, reading Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Bob Proctor’s You Were Born Rich, Spencer Johnson’s Who Moved

Pathwalking 43

“The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one’s feet.”  – Lao Tzu (Alternate translation of the original Chinese found here.) Pathwalking is not a single journey, and the distance cannot be easily measured.  But it begins with movement.  Until you move from one place to the next, you cannot begin the journey at all. The more recognized variation of the quote replaces “beneath one’s feet” with “a single step.”  But I prefer the deeper meaning of this alternate translation.

Pathwalking 40

What happens when you finally reach your goal? What do you do when you have walked your path, and discover that, in fact, the got to where you were aiming to go? I will be happy to tell you when I manage to get there.  It has not happened for me yet. However, I can speculate, based on numerous truths that one must take into account with regards to life in general, and based on what I am learning as

Pathwalking 32

How do you get back to the path if you have begun to backtrack, and why is that important? As mentioned previously, if you have chosen to walk your path, you have chosen to accept control over change.  You are choosing how you will live your life, and as such how you make changes.  Pathwalking is active, and proactive.  Backtracking is reacting, and thus opposite. The difficulties you have encountered along the path have made you backtrack.  You have leaped

Pathwalking 31

What is backtracking, and why is it the opposite of Pathwalking? I have said before that the path is not always straight, will turn, twist, double back on itself.  Doubling back might imply backtracking, but that is not the case. This notion of backtracking is making a leap from where you are on the path now to a previous point.  I’m not talking about switching from one path to another, I am talking about taking a pronounced leap backwards, to

Pathwalking 30

Everyone wants to see results for their effort. We all want to know that we are succeeding in our goals.  We are inundated with phrases like “results driven” and “results oriented” in job descriptions.  No matter what we do, the results are important to us. Just to add a little fuel to that fire, we are a quick-fix, instant gratification, get it NOW society.  We want to see it happen AS SOON as possible.  Tomorrow is not good enough, we

Pathwalking 28

I am. Two of the most powerful words anyone can utter.  What follows them will help in building up the self.  I am happy.  I am strong.  I am attractive.  I am wise.  I am worthy. Unfortunately, following “I am” with negatives is equally, if not sometimes more powerful.  I am broke.  I am angry.  I am weak.  I am fat.  I am unworthy. All you have to do is read the news.  All you have to do is read