The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Be Better?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The answer for me is simple.  I want to be better because I know I am not at my best. What does that mean?  That means that, on a deeply personal level, I am aware that I am not all that I can be.  There is room for improvement, and I can be better than I am in many ways. Why be better?  Because I desire more

What is Selfishness?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Selfishness is not what you think it is. This can be particularly challenging, because a great deal of the way in which we perceive our universe attributes much to selfishness.  And while there are certainly some tremendously selfish people out there, much of what people see as selfish is not. I want to begin with a broad definition of what selfishness is NOT.  Selfishness is not taking

Where do Power and Control Come From?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The only real power and control we have is internal. All of the external expressions of power and control are never ours.  They belong only to those who are wielding them, and will only continue to exist as long as people accept their own lack of them. Yes, when we go to the voting booth, we are choosing people to “represent” us.  Some take that responsibility to

Do You Know How Bright You Shine?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Do you deny how bright you shine? As Marianne Williamson posits in her work Our Deepest Fear, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” In a later paragraph, she writes, “Your playing small / Does not serve the world.” Her concluding paragraph begins, “And as we let our own light shine, We unconsciously give other

What Is Impossible?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Nothing is impossible.  Unless, of course, you believe that it is. Look at the world we live in today.  The technologies available to us, the things we have built and continue to build.  Things considered impossible just a hundred years ago are commonplace today. This does not just apply to the material.  Much of the immaterial we believe to be impossible, is not.  It is just a

Did You Take Action?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   When you had the opportunity, did you take action? What do I mean by that?  It’s actually very simple.  Did you do that thing you planned to do?  The question is a matter of taking a plan – the thought; figuring out how to do it – the feeling; doing it – the action. A lot of us are really good at coming up with ideas and

What is Knowing?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The key to knowing is to recognize that for the most part, we know far less than we think. Knowing how little we know is extremely important.  Why?  Because there will always be something new to learn.  There are new experiences to be had.  New people to be met. How many languages do you speak?  Do you know how to fence with a sword in each hand? 

How Do Want and Desire Differ?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   There is a surprisingly substantial difference between want and desire. Want is based in lack.  One of its definitions, from is to be without, or deficient in.  Want comes from a place of lack and scarcity.  It is a statement that implies that there is not enough, that you have gone without because that which you want there is not enough of. Further, that implies that

What is Morality?

This post contains affiliate links. For more info, see my disclosures here.   Morality is a matter that gets skirted around a lot these days. Unless you are living under a rock, and to some degree I kind of envy you if you are, you see the travesty happening in the United States Senate currently.  The hearings for the President’s Supreme Court nominee are a total circus.  Despite multiple accusations of sexual misconduct, there is almost an entire party, comprised

Why Do We Compare Ourselves to Others?

There is no need to compare ourselves to anyone else. Each of us is unique.  We have our own gifts, our own talents, our particular, special way.  Yes, we are made up of the same basic molecular structure, and our souls are all interconnected…but we are still separate, unique consciousnesses. Consciousness creates reality in part because what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom is our singular consciousness.  Our lot is not just to survive, propagate and thrive,