The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why I take Racism and the Like Personally

Though what happened in Charlottesville last weekend did not have a direct effect on me, it is still something I take personally. Crossing the Bridges is where I get the most personal, and this week in particular I need to address what I am seeing in this country. I was born and raised Jewish.  Though I don’t practice the religion at this time, I DO culturally consider myself a Jew.  I am proud of my heritage, and it means a

How Do We Resist Hate and Fear?

Hate is never the answer. We are all different.  You and I are not the same.  Even though we might have some similarities, we are still different.  We are individuals.  That means that each and every one of us is unique. Yet, at the same time, we are all one.  Every single one of us, at our core, is just a being of light and energy. We live in a fear-based society.  Recognizing this, we have to work extra hard

How to Make Monday YOUR Day

Today will be whatever you make it be. It’s far too easy to approach Monday and the traditional start of the work week with distress, trepidation, displeasure, and unhappiness.  There is an entire culture of Monday woe in this society, which has been and continues to be capitalized on, and as such gets reinforced. Does anyone want Monday to suck?  I am pretty sure the answer is NO.  I don’t really know anyone who wants to be miserable, who wants

Five Quick-and-Easy Positivity Generators

Everyone prefers to feel good over feeling bad. Finding positivity is about finding ways to feel good.  We live in a society that feeds on a steady diet of negativity.  Fear is a tool employed by many differently “leaders” to keep people in line, and sensationalism sells and gets more clicks on social media.  This can make it far easier to live in fear and negativity than to find positivity. Also, it’s Monday…so most of us are going to work

Where can you find Positivity?

Positivity can be found anywhere we look. There are all sorts of thing, big and small, that can bring about positivity.  Sometimes they are easier to see than others. We are alive and breathing.  We have amazing technology at our fingertips.  We are capable of loving and being loved.  We can have, do or be pretty much anything we desire.  There is sky above us and earth beneath our feet. I know that it can feel like an impossible struggle

How to Build Positivity: Getting into Better Shape

Taking steps to get in shape can generate massive positivity. Getting in shape can also take a number of different forms.  Health is not simply measured as physical, but also mental, spiritual and emotional.  Giving attention to any one of these can improve our quality of life and be massively positive, while working on more than one or all of them can be hugely empowering. Everyone is familiar with processes for getting into shape physically.  Diet and exercise, skin care,

Positivity: Fresh Air

Cliché though it may be, there is nothing like fresh air to clear your head. I like to take a few minutes during my work day to get a sun/air break.  Step outside, get some fresh air, escape the stale office air and my computer. There is something cleansing, both physically and emotionally, in breathing in fresh air.  It awakens the senses, it rejuvenates the soul, it opens us up to possibilities. I know that this is super-trite, but I

Positivity: Joy

Joy is one of the ultimate expressions of love. We tend to not do nearly enough things that bring us joy.  We believe the lie that joyful things should only come in small doses, and that it is a limited achievement that should be particularly savored. Why is this true?  Because we have accepted it as so.  Yet, really, it is not the truth.  Joy can and should be one of the driving motivations for everything we do. Are we

Positivity: This is Good Because…

One way to approach the unexpected is to look at it and consider, “This is good because…” This is one of the best mechanisms I have ever come across for redirecting negative thinking.  Jen Sincero explains it in her outstanding book You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Live an Awesome Life (I cannot recommend this particular book enough).  When you encounter the unexpected, this idea can totally turn it around, and give you a more

Positivity: You Know Yourself Better Than You Think You Do

Who knows you best? Easy.  YOU. Nobody knows you, quite like YOU do.  You are the most cognizant of your strengths, your weaknesses, your hopes, your dreams, your fears, your goals, your moral compass, your ethics, etc. You are the leading expert on YOU.  You, and you alone, know your every secret, every laudable and damnable detail of your whole entire life.  You are your own most intimate companion. Why is this a part of positivity?  Because you have the

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