The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Recognizing the Three Brands of Truth

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   In any argument or discussion, there will always be three truths. Yours, Mine, and the Absolute. If you believe that the truth is the truth, you are right – but you are also wrong. This is because in many instances the truth is entirely dependent on viewpoint. In Return of the Jedi, Luke confronts Obi-Wan’s Force ghost about claiming that Darth Vader murdered his father, rather than

Are You Being Kind and Supportive?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Being kind and supportive towards others is a sign of strength. Somewhere along the way, this has gotten lost.  From the highest offices in the land to the poorest poor, we have become more uncertain and unkind towards strangers. All too often, people keep to themselves.  But more than that, they are unwilling to reach out to other people for various reasons.  Whether it is their intent

What is Selfishness?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Selfishness is not what you think it is. This can be particularly challenging, because a great deal of the way in which we perceive our universe attributes much to selfishness.  And while there are certainly some tremendously selfish people out there, much of what people see as selfish is not. I want to begin with a broad definition of what selfishness is NOT.  Selfishness is not taking

How Do We Make 2019 Amazing?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   This New Year has the potential to be amazing.  All we have to do is to make it so. It starts with ourselves. This is not an act of selfishness.  I repeat, THIS IS NOT SELFISH.  Self-awareness and self-care are all-too-often taken for granted, or outright ignored.  But not caring for ourselves or being aware of our thoughts, feelings, and actions disempowers our ability to create.  When

Who Are You Trying to Impress?

There is nobody you need to impress but yourself. I know that this seems like a lie.  But it is one of the greatest truths there is. There are always going to be people who dislike you, or disapprove of you.  When they are acquaintances it’s a very different thing than when they are close friends or family.  Some of the ideas we have, decisions and choices we make, actions we take will not align with other people’s values, beliefs,

How does Thank You Empower Positivity?

Thank you for your support. While I do this in part for myself, it is knowing that you are out there, reading these words, that helps keep me going.  I am so deeply grateful for you, that I need to take a moment to simply say, Thank You. Gratitude is the ultimate tool in the world of conscious reality creation.  Expressing gratitude for what we already possess, not just saying the words but FEELING grateful, will draw more of the

Does it Cost Anything to Be Kind?

Be kind.  To yourself, to others whether they are family, friend, or random stranger. The world could use more kindness. I think one of the reasons so many people feel so defeated is because we are not only inundated by tremendous amounts of negativity, but also awful people.  So many people doing such terrible things, whether great or small.  A total lack of decency, let alone empathy or sympathy or any amount of kindness pervades too much of the world

Are You Kind?

Be kind to yourself.  Give kindness to others. I am sitting here this morning, trying to come up with words for this post, and I have been doing my usual routine.  I go to Facebook, I play a couple games, and I read through a bunch of posts. There are a lot of discouraging things going on out there.  So much anger, so much fear, such unbelievable negativity.  Is this really the world we want to live in? I don’t

Why is Community Important?

Community is important. Because human beings are social creatures, we seek out like-minded individuals to form communities with.  This is where religious groups, civic organizations, and even nations come into being.  People who share one or more interests/beliefs join together and form a community. We often look at this from a “big picture” sense.  We live in a given community and such.  What I am talking about in this instance is that which we choose to identify with, and what

How Empowering is Humanity?

Your hate is not more powerful than our humanity. That was the message delivered soundly in Boston this past weekend.  The protesters from the alt-right, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups were exponentially outnumbered by the counter-protesters.  People standing for unity, for equality, and peace proved they were much, much stronger than haters. The positivity of this act is immeasurable.  In a time when the fear in our society has been growing continuously, to witness empowerment on that scale