The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What is Mind?

I have been working on better quieting my mind. Yes, I know that as human beings, we are ALWAYS thinking, always processing stuff.  I also know that we are capable of finding stillness and peace, and turning the brain “off” for periods of time.  This is something I am currently working on doing more. Why?  Because it’s not, at least for me, about stopping thinking.  It’s about getting the inner dialogue – specifically the uncomplimentary aspects – to be silent.

How Does Joy Empower?

Joy empowers us. When we do things that bring joy into our lives, we make ourselves better, stronger, and happier.  Joy raises our frequency, and lets us attract more of the things we truly want for ourselves. Yet we frequently will deny ourselves joy.  Why?  A number of different reasons, of course. First is the external.  In a society so focused on lack and scarcity, we wind up made to feel guilty if something makes us feel joyful.  We begin

What Makes You Laugh?

Do you laugh often enough? I am not just writing about a chuckle here and there, or a derisive snort.  I am talking about a thorough, complete, can-hardly-breathe-almost-crying laugh.  A laugh of pure positivity and joy. We all know that there are some pretty awful things going on in the world.  Everybody has their struggles and their challenges.  But we also have endless possibilities and options, and chances to find things that bring us joy. Know that you are worthy

Does Self-Care Create Positivity?

Self-care is empowering. When we do things to care for our own health and wellbeing, we provide ourselves with the ability to give more to others. Self-care is not selfish. When we take care of our own needs; comfort; intellectual, emotional and physical stimulation, we actually are empowering ourselves to give more to others. Our smartphones can do incredible things.  They can find directions, connect us to friends and family, get us information across the globe, provide hours of entertainment,

What Is Passion?

What are you passionate about? This is a question that a lot of people tend to neglect.  They go about their lives, doing the things that they do, some for themselves, some for other people.  The answer to that question is a shrug of the shoulders, a tilt of the head, possibly even a thoughtful, “Hm.” Tony Robbins ends every section of his Personal Power series with, “Live with Passion.”  This has nothing to do with physical and sexual intimacy,

We Deserve It All

I deserve all the good things I desire. Over the last several months I have had a mantra I have recited with much frequency.  I am abundant and prosperous.  I am a good person, worthy and deserving of abundance, prosperity, success, wealth and joy.  Succeed or fail, I am supported and I am loved. Taking an online course offered by Jen Sincero, author if my favorite self-help book, You Are A Badass, she calls this creation a Mantra of Mightiness. 

What Makes Me Feel Satisfied?

I have worked any number of jobs that didn’t leave me feeling satisfied. We all have to earn a living, right?  You can’t just laze about your home, on a beach, or wander aimlessly all the time, because clothing, food and shelter cost money.  Also, frankly, doing nothing at all gets pretty boring pretty fast. When I started college, I remember preparing to register for my first classes.  It was orientation, and I had not yet chosen my major.  I

Why is Feeling Joyful Important?

One of the goals of Pathwalking is to enhance the things in life that make us feel joyful. I want to work on choosing the life I most desire to lead.  Consciousness creates reality, and I want to choose the reality that brings me joy and happiness. This can be particularly challenging, especially in today’s society.  We are bombarded every day with horrid, awful, ugly, unpleasant things.  Terrible people, selfishness, greed, and a deluge of messages about lack and scarcity. 

How Does Joy Create Positivity?

Pure, unadulterated joy. Don’t you love that feeling?  The freedom, the release, the positivity?  That feeling of comfort and warmth and bliss that makes you smile and remember what it is to be alive? We are so inundated with dread, fear, anger, hatred, division and harsh reality.  Everyone is constantly being subjected to grim news and intolerance and denial of joy.  We are slaves to community, to jobs and finances and responsibilities that rob us of pure joyfulness. I believe

Can Intention Manifest Positivity?

Intention requires attention. The power of intent is something we take for granted.  We fail to see that we have the ability to manifest not just once in a while, not just on a special occasion or due to a dire need, but all day, every day. One of the key elements of manifestation is intention.  Intent is not the starting point so much as it is the direction.  What begins as an idea becomes energized when you add an