The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity in Getting Back to Work Post-Vacation

Getting back to work after a vacation presents some unique challenges. After taking more than a week offline, I am finding returning to my regularly scheduled program a bit more difficult than I had anticipated. Why? I had a perfectly excellent time. I got to hang out with friends, disconnected and got in a ton of exercise, time outdoors, and sunlight. Though I certainly love my work, it’s not that I don’t have ideas for things to write about. But

You Are Worthy, Deserving, and You Matter

You are Worthy, Deserving, and You Matter In our fear-based society, this is an important fact to find, maintain, and grow positivity from. One of the most positive things you can know is that you matter and that you are worthy and deserving of finding, having, and/or creating an amazing life. I know that life is seldom easy. You and I are in a constant struggle with forces both internal and external to get from here to there. But that

Avoiding Overwhelm While Remaining Informed

To avoid overwhelm while remaining informed is not easy, but utterly necessary for finding and maintaining positivity. Let’s be perfectly honest here. The world you and I live in today is complicated, and all-too-often full of fear, lack, scarcity, and overall negativity. All you have to do is scroll through social media. Doing so, you will see memes and links to articles about any number of terrible things going on. It can be thoroughly disheartening, infuriating, annoying, maddening, and all

Who Controls Your Fate?

You are not a victim of fate. Just because you were born into a certain circumstance, raised in a given environment, got the education that you did, and hold the job you hold, you are not trapped. Fate is not written in stone. You have the power to change your fate. People tend to want to believe in fate because it means that they have a purpose. Fate means there has to be a reason, and purpose, to living your

The Philosophy of Pathwalking

I would like to explore with you the details of my personal life philosophy – Pathwalking. When I first began to write about this idea, it was just meant to be a weekly post to my blog. I needed a topic, so I decided to begin to write about how I seek to make my own way in life. The name Pathwalking came about for two reasons. First, because of the idea that life is an ongoing journey, so you

What Control Do You Have?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   You can take control by giving up control. One of the most dominant messages of society is control. There are any number of examples of this you can look to. Control over immigration; shifting control of industries away from federal regulations; controlling the media to be more favorable to one opinion or the other. Everywhere you look, there are attempts at assuming, creating, destroying, or otherwise shifting

It Is Never Too Late

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Change can happen at any time. You get to decide when to choose. It is never too late to take a new path in life, and change things for the better. There is, in our society, something of a timeline for things. In your late teens and early twenties, for example, you are expected to either get your college education or vocational training. In your late twenties

Does Mindfulness Empower?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Mindfulness empowers you. The world appears to be going mad. Every single day something new happens that defies logic, and it feels like hope is being stripped away from us. This is what they want. When you feel hopeless, that disempowers you. When you feel disempowered, they believe that it empowers them to run roughshod over everyone. I read the news and get infuriated, depressed, and start

Do I Know Who I Am?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   I am not going to hold back any longer. I am showing who I am. No more hiding aspects of who I am. The time is at hand for me to be the best me possible. There are many aspects of myself that I tend to make light of, or give little to no acknowledgement of. Some of this has come from concerns about how people will

What is Perspective?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Perspective is unique to each of us. What you may consider amazing and incredible, I might consider ridiculous and unremarkable. Every single person on the planet has their own viewpoints on absolutely everything. To be sure, we can come together in communities that share ideals and other things. But even there, it’s a matter of perspective. How many wars have been fought over which viewpoint of God