The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

It Is Never Too Late

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Change can happen at any time. You get to decide when to choose. It is never too late to take a new path in life, and change things for the better.

There is, in our society, something of a timeline for things. In your late teens and early twenties, for example, you are expected to either get your college education or vocational training. In your late twenties and early thirties you’re expected to settle into your career, find a spouse, and get married. It goes on and on.

Never too lateFirst, it’s super important to point out that no two people are alike. College really is not for everyone, and trades may be an excellent choice. Second, the expectations on the part of our society going into our late twenties and beyond are still wrapped up in misogyny, heteronormative expectations for marriage and procreation, as well as other outdated ideas supported by none but some nostalgic old white guys.

Third, these timelines are utterly and completely artificial. There are numerous reasons why people don’t attend college or choose a trade in their early twenties. But more importantly than that, it is never too late to choose anew.

Life is all about choices. What’s more, very, very few of those choices are permanent. Given that the Universe is in a constant state of change, and nothing is truly static, change is inevitable. That being said, is they any reason why you cannot choose to make changes of your own accord?

It is never too late to make a new choice.

Nothing is written in stone

Who you are today is not who you were last year and is certainly not who you will be next year. In many unseen ways, you will change. It is also entirely possible that changes will happen that are very noticeable.

We often think about change in regards to the relatively superficial. Hair color and style, weight gain and loss, the homes we live in, cars we drive, and so on. Beyond these, however, we can make choices to change anything and everything that makes up our life experiences.

How? Mindfulness.

Consciousness creates reality. To become more aware of your consciousness requires more mindfulness. Being mindful is being aware of what you are thinking, what and how you are feeling, and intentional actions you take from there to live your life.

Being mindful of who you are, what you are thinking and feeling, and what you are doing in the here-and-now allows you to clarify the choices you have made in the past, and those you can make now. As such, when you make a decision to change, it is never too late to do so.

There is no set, one-true-way to do anything. Likewise, there is no singular timeline dictating when and how things must occur. If you want to get really technical, linear time is an artifice of our own creation.

What it all comes down to is that it is never too late to change. You can make new decisions and different choices for your life and how you live it at any time whatsoever.

Never too late to make choices

There are any number of stories about retirees getting degrees, stay-at-home mothers starting businesses, and people making drastic career changes in middle age. Is there anything about them that you are lacking?

No. And yes. You have the same ability to decide to change your life, whenever and however you like. It is entirely up to you to become mindful of who you are, how you got to where you are, and what you need to do in order to create something different.

The people in these stories have drive. They have made no-nonsense decisions to go ahead and make changes that they feel will bring them new adventures and awesomeness. Like you, they were undoubtedly scared about the outcome, getting it wrong, and screwing up along the way.

They most likely also have people in their lives that warned them about this. You’re retired, why are you going back to school? You’ve been focused on your kids for a decade, do you know how much energy goes into starting a new business? For twenty years you have worked as an admin, do you really think it’s such a good idea to open a restaurant? While such questions are “well-meaning” in practice, they are fear-based and can be super harmful.

Anyone can decide at any time to choose to make changes. If you are dissatisfied with where you are in life, nothing says you cannot choose differently now.

Of course, in our fear-based society that is too often focused on lack and scarcity, there is one other major factor to be addressed.

You are worthy and deserving

Not only is it never too late to make decisions and changes, but there is also no reason you do not deserve to do so. You bring value to the world, and you are a worthwhile human being. If you are unsatisfied with your life as it is currently, no matter how old you are, or what your situation is, it’s never too late to change it.

We get one lifetime to live on this planet, inside our heads, as the people we are. Despite messages otherwise, we deserve to live the fullest, most satisfying and enjoyable lives we can. We are not here merely to survive but to thrive. This is why we are capable of creating incredible, unique, and awesome lives.

Human consciousness is, as far as we know, totally unique in the animal kingdom on this planet. We adapt to our environment, build machines that allow us to travel almost surreal distances, and connect globally through technology. Every single invention was the product of someone’s vision. Many faced obstacles and obstructions in trying to make these things we take for granted a part of our reality.

You are capable of the same creativity. You are no less worthy nor deserving of success than anyone else. It is never too late to choose a new path, take a new course, and build a life that brings you satisfaction, contentment, and joy.

Knowing it is never too late to change, what might you do that is different than what you do now?

This is the three-hundred eighty-sixth entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas for, and my personal experiences with, walking along the path of life to consciously create reality.  I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way and empower myself and my readers with conscious reality creation.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share this.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available here.

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