The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 250

Decide to decide. I cannot tell you how many times in my life I have found myself at some crossroads or other because I refused to decide to decide. Decision making is only challenging if you choose for it to be so. For a lot of my life, I was the King of Indecision.  I totally should have bought myself a crown. When I made the decision to take action for the New Year, nearly five years ago now, it

Pathwalking 249

How do you want to feel? This is an important question I do not think we ask of ourselves enough.  Not only do we not ask of ourselves, How do I feel?  But neither do we ask, How do I want to feel? It is easy to forget that when all is said and done, I and I alone am responsible for how I feel.  Period. Whether or not I feel good or bad, happy or sad, anxious or excited,

Pathwalking 248

Everything is energy. At its core, in its simplest, most elegant form every single thing you can see, touch, taste, and smell is energy.  Every one of us, no matter our skin color, ethnicity, gender or other chosen identifier is energy. The earth, the sun, the other planets in the solar system and everything, absolutely everything, is comprised of energy.  Both science and spirituality agree on this point, though they might use different phraseology to explain it. Since every single