The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity Sets Your Frequency

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Positivity can raise your frequency to improve life daily. Everything is energy. Whether it is the smallest subatomic particle or the largest star in the cosmos, the base of everything is energy. All energy vibrates and vibrates at a frequency. Like an older radio with a dial, you can tune into various frequencies, and sometimes you will get static while other times you get signal. Higher frequency

Why do High Frequencies Matter?

What is the importance of high frequencies? To put it simply, high frequencies feel good and draw good things to us.  Low frequencies feel bad, and draw bad things to us. Despite having broken this down before, I believe that it totally bears repeating. Everything throughout the entire cosmos is energy.  From the smallest subatomic particle to the biggest galaxy, it’s all energy.  Along the way energy changes form, sometimes taking tangible shape but frequently remaining intangible. Whether you believe

How Does Joy Empower?

Joy empowers us. When we do things that bring joy into our lives, we make ourselves better, stronger, and happier.  Joy raises our frequency, and lets us attract more of the things we truly want for ourselves. Yet we frequently will deny ourselves joy.  Why?  A number of different reasons, of course. First is the external.  In a society so focused on lack and scarcity, we wind up made to feel guilty if something makes us feel joyful.  We begin

How Does Praise Empower?

Everybody likes to receive praise. When you do a thing, and you do it well, receiving praise for it feels amazing.  It is incredibly empowering, and it serves as an affirmation of the choices you make along the way. For whatever reason, though, our modern society eschews praise.  We have an almost surreal talent for criticism, but when it comes to praise, we seem to display something of an aversion to it. I suspect that one of the reasons for

Pathwalking 256

I will do what I have to do when and if the time comes. In the meantime, I cannot live my life anticipating possibilities.  In especial, focusing on worst-case scenarios.  There’s a terrible idea – get fixated on awful, no good, scary things, and consciousness creates reality. We are now living in particularly uncertain times.  We are witnessing an unprecedented situation in America due to our President-elect’s vast unpredictability, and his particularly vulgar, hate-spewing supporters (I am being specific here

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What do you do when you reach a dead end on the path you’re traversing? This doesn’t happen too often, but from time to time you may find that the path you are on has not only forked, but actually ended unexpectedly. Why?  How does a chosen path simply come to an end?  The universe works in mysterious ways.  You get laid off from the job where you were seeking that promotion; or you wreck your knee and need to

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We are not in competition. I have written about this before, but given the monstrous, and seriously ugly, conclusion of the race for the Presidency, it bears repeating. We all got swept up into this thing.  Whether because we read the news and supported or didn’t support a candidate, or if we were simply drawn into the current by unavoidable conversations, posts on social media, and so forth, we all found ourselves looking differently at one another.  We found ourselves

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There are always going to be days where it feels like it just does not matter.  But they are a lie.  It matters.  YOU matter. I have those days when I get out of bed, and no matter how much sleep I have gotten I am still feeling totally wiped out.  And no matter how much coffee I consume, I still feel like I would much rather crawl back into my nice warm bed and sleep more.  Of course, this

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It’s not that there always needs to be a fixed destination.  Life is about the journey, after all, so it is certainly both logical and even necessary that from time to time you walk a path, but the goal is not wholly clear. Yes, it is important to have an idea, to have a plan.  But sometimes there are days where you just are on the paths, walking along, and though you have an end goal in mind, it is

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Consciousness creates reality. I write that a lot.  Why?  Because this is the truth. Consciousness creates our reality.  What we concentrate on, give thought and feeling and energy and action to, we create.  We manifest things into our life, and we build or destroy our personal world. I know that for a lot of people this seems like total BS.  We live in a world that seems to be beyond our control.  We didn’t manifest our debts, our illnesses, the