The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Am I Afraid to Succeed?

How does the question “what if I succeed?” evoke subconscious fear? This question has been plaguing my path for a long time. Every time I work on a path I desire to follow – something happens that causes me to abandon it, stop giving it my full attention, and/or self-sabotage. This is, of course, not conducive to success. Why? Why do I always do this? How come I am constantly getting in my own way? What causes me to get

Am I Lying to Myself?

I don’t think so – but it’s possible I am lying to myself. The only person who can truly know me, in-depth, is me. This is because there is nobody but me here inside of my head, heart, and soul. No matter how much I connect with anyone else – in any way, shape, or form – I’m still the only one in here. The only person capable of getting at my motivations, recognizing my beliefs, values, and habits is

Do You Love Yourself?

Do you love yourself? This is not a trick question.  How do you feel about yourself? Modern society tends to look askance at self-love.  Why?  Because our society frequently deals in extremes, and on this scale the extremes are selfishness and selflessness. A great deal of our fear-based society focuses on greedy, intolerant, ignorant, selfish people.  Government, religious and business leaders frequently show us exactly that.  Selfishness in the extreme, to the detriment of everyone else. Because that’s such a