The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

I’m a Human Being – Sitting at My Desk, Fingers on My Keyboard

A new mindfulness realization dawns on marble head. My therapist told me about a book called Clinical Dharma: A Path for Healers and Helpers by Dr. Stephen Dansiger. She said it had been helpful to her, and she thought it would be helpful to me. In this book, the author talks about applying Buddhist principles to clinical practices – and beyond. Specifically, this relates to the Noble Eightfold Path. Some of it has resonated with me, some not as much.

I Didn’t Know I Could Do Something for 600 Weeks and Counting

But here we are. Welcome to Pathwalking 600. Just before New Year’s Eve at the end of 2011, I decided that rather than make a flabby, easily ignored, or disregarded resolution – instead, I’d take a New Year’s Action. That action would be to blog at least once a week, every week. Pathwalking was born. My life philosophy would be placed on Wednesdays, and I would write a new article and post it every week. That was now just over

Please Stop Being Complacent With Your Life

Complacency leads to losing awareness and control. Despite numerous messages to the contrary, you control your life. What does complacent mean? In this context, it’s losing touch with/awareness of yourself, due to a sense of comfort and satisfaction that everything is as it should be. And maybe it is. For a while. But inevitably, it won’t be. Comfort zones cease being comfortable and familiar. That sense of satisfaction stops feeling satisfying because of tangibles, intangibles, or both. Why? Because of

Why Are Habits Such a Hard Habit to Break?

Breaking a habit frequently requires a lot of conscious effort. People love quick-fix solutions. From diet and exercise programs to pills to life hacks, modern society has a love affair with seeking and finding the quick fix. Get it done as fast as possible with as little effort as possible. The problem is that quick fixes are nearly never true fixes. For example – going on a diet can help a person lose weight. And it will continue to work

Are You More Capable Than You Allow Yourself to Recognize?

Odds are you’re more capable than you know. Arguably, everyone has limitations. This varies from person to person. These can range from the physical to the emotional to the mental to the spiritual – and combinations of all. What you can and can’t do is frequently part of your focus. The physical tends to be the most limiting. These meat-popsicles that people occupy are prone to lots of annoying issues that impact what you can and can’t do in them.

Is It Normal To Question The Path That You’ve Chosen to Take?

It is not just normal to question the path, but necessary. At the start of the pandemic in 2020, I had an opportunity present itself to me. I was in the position to pursue the path I most desired to take. That was writing full-time. This excited me. So, I redoubled my efforts. That led to me publishing 3 books in 2020. An idea sparked a new direction for my writing. Rather than writing by the seat of my pants

What Do You Do When Your Path Isn’t What You Think It Is?

It’s your path – you can choose to reclaim it when you lose it. It doesn’t matter what paths you choose in life. I don’t think they ever go as intended. Why? Because life is full of uncertainty, situations, and circumstances way outside of your control. For example, I knew the plans we had around Christmas for months now. I was all set to carry them out. Everything was in place and set to go as of the Wednesday before

If You’re Feeling Alone, You’re Never As Alone As You Might Fear

Feeling alone is unpleasant – but what if you’re never truly alone? You are never alone. Why? Because you always have yourself. Ok, before you quit reading, let me further explain. Whether you engage it consciously or not, you have an inner dialogue. Consciously or subconsciously, it’s running in the background of your life, no matter what you’re doing. Inside your subconscious mind are numerous beliefs, values, and habits. Some have been there more or less all your life. Others

How Do You Silence Doubts, Fears, and Other Negatives In Your Head?

Mindfulness, of course, is the key to finding and/or creating silence. I read a lot. Every morning, I spend about an hour reading. A chapter or two of fiction, and a chapter or two of nonfiction. Most of my nonfiction reading is along the same lines I blog about. Mindfulness, self-awareness, self-encouragement, psychology, and like topics. I read this to increase my knowledge base and find new ways to live this life on my terms. And live it as fully

What Are You Intentionally Doing to Be Where You Desire to Be?

To get where you desire to be, what are you doing? I ask myself this question more than I feel like I should. Perhaps I’m alone in this. But then, maybe not. What are you doing to go where you desire to be? What does that even mean? For me, it’s about being who, where, how, why, and when I desire to be in this life. This is both a matter of the now, as well as where I will