The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 210

Welcome to the new year! So, as promised, I have begun to keep a goal log. What is a goal log? That’s really good question. This is my take on the answer. I went looking to find if there was some sort of an app for my phone that would handle this task as I foresaw it. Certainly I found a couple options, but nothing quite spoke to me. Also – I didn’t care to pay for an app at

Pathwalking 209

The coming new year often brings with it reflections on the year that has been. It is important to acknowledge what has been. Denying the past leads to incredibly dangerous places sometimes, so it is good to be mindful of it. The other danger is living in the past. Because change can be so scary, there are many people who want what was. They want what they feel nostalgia for, they want that happier, more innocent time. Truth is, that

Pathwalking 208

Discipline for me does not come easily. I have always had issues with self discipline. Whether it is my diet, my writing and editing time or anything else requiring focus and attention – I have regularly found it challenging to hold to what needs to happen to get where I want to go. This week I will share with you my plans, and work out with you what actions I need to take in order to create the discipline I

Pathwalking 207

Discipline for some does not come easily. I have always had issues with disciplining myself. Whether it was my diet, my writing and editing time or anything else requiring focus and attention – I have regularly found it challenging to hold to what needs to happen to get where I want to go. I have made a lot of effort in this department to address this problem. Acknowledging my lack of discipline is the first step, but admittedly there have

Pathwalking 206

Sometimes you might be wrong. Every choice we make will produce an effect of some sort. While we desire a good effect or a successful outcome – from time to time we won’t get it. This is a perfectly normal and ok thing. Everybody makes mistakes. The key is what do you do with your mistakes? Some people plod through. They continue along that path, despite its obvious problems. Tenacity can be a good thing, but it can also be

Pathwalking 205

Giving is not necessarily a physical thing. Giving can certainly involve things. But I find that the intangibles we give are often far more powerful than the tangibles. We give of our time, we give from our hearts, we give advice, we give opinions. All of these intangibles can carry a lot of weight. Giving is important to Pathwalking because it is a part of our living in an abundant universe. The ability to give is a sign that we

Pathwalking 204

Consider reality. What we call reality is not the same for everyone. We might believe that it is, but in truth it’s really not. My reality is nothing like yours, or his, or hers, or anyone else’s, really. Even those we are closest to do not share our reality. Oh unquestionably they intersect, but that doesn’t make them the same. Let’s take Thanksgiving for example. For some this is a day where family comes together and eats much tasty food.

Pathwalking 203

As I walk my own path, I do not do so ignoring the paths of others. My path is unique, as is yours, his, hers…everybody’s. However, no path is more important than another, and no one of us is any better than the rest. We are all equal, and we are all one. Society has become utterly obsessed with division. We are split along lines of gender, or sexual orientation, or rich and poor, black and white…take your pick. Scientifically,

Pathwalking 109

Most people are familiar with the Golden Rule, and the phrase “Do unto others as you would have done unto you.” What ends up being neglected is the notion to do unto yourself as you wish to have done unto you. It is very easy to get caught up in looking out for your family and your friends and their wellbeing.  Sometimes it’s just easier to take on and deal with other people and their problems and needs and wants

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