The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Do We Learn to Embrace Change Rather than Fear It?

We need to work more with mindfulness to embrace change. There are two topics I cover repeatedly. Fear and change. Why? Because we live in a fear-based society and change is the only constant in the Universe. What’s more, fear of change drives many, many people and the things they do. Accepting the inevitability of change goes a long way towards learning to embrace it. But that’s not easy to do because of how fear is so broadly exploited. What

How Are Actions More More Powerful than Resolutions?

Actions don’t just speak louder than words – they move and change everything. New Year’s Eve is almost upon us. Besides various forms of celebration people participate in around the world – lots of people make New Year’s Resolutions. They resolve to go to the gym more, quit smoking, eat fewer carbs, spend less time surfing social media, and other similar notions. But there is a major problem with resolution. It’s rather impotent. How do I mean? Let’s begin by

How Might We Use the New Year for New Positivity?

The new year is an excellent time to start fresh – if you so choose. It’s hard to believe that 2021 is coming to a close. Seriously – how are we less than a week from the start of 2022 already? The past 2 years have been utterly unusual for everyone. The global pandemic forever changed the world in ways we still haven’t fully realized. We have seen utter extremes between the best in some people and the worst in

Is Positivity More Than a Feeling – But Rather, an Attitude?

Positivity is more broadly defined than just a feeling – it is a whole attitude and approach. How we experience life is a matter of attitude and approach. This is a choice every single one of us gets to make every day. Hence why it can be utterly subjective and highly variable. Trouble is, people often don’t see that their overall approach isn’t neutral – but tends to be positive OR negative. And often – because of how we’re inundated

Choose When You Get to Choose

You get to decide to choose – or not – when faced with a choice. For the longest time, I was really good at deciding not to decide. I would stand with a choice before me – and overthink the crap out of it. I’d explore every possible “what if?” scenario, fear getting my choice wrong and having to suffer due to that – until the choice was no longer mine to make. Opportunities passed me by. Things happened outside

What I Believe is True

Even though what I believe is true – I have the power to change it. I know more than one person struggling right now. Frankly, in multiple ways, I am struggling, too. The struggle is based on who I am now – versus – who I was and have been – versus – who I desire to be. When you have been applying certain beliefs, habits, and values for as long as you can remember – they seem unchangeable. They

Focus on What You Can Control

Be mindful when you focus on matters outside of your control. We live in a mad, mad, mad world. Here in the United States, we’ve reached this bizarre place where a lot of people believe in a demonstrably false reality. Despite all evidence and logic to the contrary – they buy into any number of lies told to them by politicians, business leaders, religious leaders, and so on. If, like me, you question things, strive to learn, grow, and evolve

Choose Your Actions After Your Initial Reactions

The positivity when you choose the actions after your reactions is profound. Let’s face it. Shit happens. What’s more, you’ll encounter happenings that get you upset on the surface without full context. And then you get to decide what comes next. For example, I saw that a friend had done a thing with a group of friends that I was not included in. That got me super upset. I immediately felt hurt, got annoyed that I was left out, and

The Wheel is Yours

There’s tremendous positivity in taking control by taking the wheel. I used to be something of a control freak. Truth be told, I haven’t entirely let that go. For example – when we take a trip, I like to be the driver. There are several of my friends – and my wife – whom I have no problem taking the passenger seat to. But given the chance – I prefer to drive. Most people, I believe, desire at least a

You Control Your Mind

How you perceive everything – positive or negative – is yours to control. I don’t know that I can fully put into words the tremendous positivity that comes from you being in control of your mind. But I’m going to try. First – please accept this statement: Human beings are animals. Our brains, however, have evolved beyond the simplicities of survival and propagation of the species. We can dream of new wonders beyond the comprehension not only of the rest

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