The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Do Embracing Change and Positivity Go Hand In Hand?

Embracing change gives you control you won’t otherwise have – and that’s hugely positive. There is only one constant in the Universe – change. Change happens all the time. You can’t stop it. You can either ride it out, stand in resistance to it, or do the work to embrace it and take what control is in it for you. Change is scary because it’s anathema to comfort. Or at least that’s the perception. Change will pull you from an

How Do You Focus on Useful Things in the Face of Information Overload?

Inundated with information overload, how do you shift your focus to what you can control? Let’s face it – the world is mad. Spend any time whatsoever on social media, watching or reading the news – and you’re bombarded by all the evidence of the madness – and then some. The 24-hour news cycle doesn’t make us collectively more informed. In truth, it makes us more scared, distressed, and unhappy. We don’t know the world around us and what’s happening

Why Make Choices for Everything That’s in Your Life’s Paths?

Because when you make choices, you take control. From the moment you wake up, you’re making choices in and for your life’s paths. Hit the snooze or get out of bed? Pee or feed the cats? Drink a glass of water or start the coffee? Shower now, later, or not at all? Though they might seem utterly mundane and insignificant – they still matter. Why? Because they’ll impact everything else you do today. Hit snooze, and you might doze off

What Do You Do When Your Path Isn’t What You Think It Is?

It’s your path – you can choose to reclaim it when you lose it. It doesn’t matter what paths you choose in life. I don’t think they ever go as intended. Why? Because life is full of uncertainty, situations, and circumstances way outside of your control. For example, I knew the plans we had around Christmas for months now. I was all set to carry them out. Everything was in place and set to go as of the Wednesday before

What’s So Great About Accepting So Little Control?

It’s empowering when you accept what control you DO have. The only thing over which you and I have control is ourselves. Even then, there are limits to what you can and do control. All of them are internal. Sure, there are externals that you can direct – but control is not the case. You can change your body shape, eye color, hair length and color, what you wear, and maybe a couple of other elements of yourself. That’s pretty

Are Your Feelings – Positive or Negative – Always Valid?

Yes, your feelings are always valid. But understanding them is another matter. You’ve probably been in a situation where you had an emotional response someone deemed inappropriate or disproportional. You were overreacting, taking it too hard, overthinking it, or what-have-you. It did not help your situation, did it? Chances are it increased it, or made you more stubborn and deepened the feeling. What’s more, they might have been correct. You were overreacting, taking it too hard, overthinking it, or whatever.

It’s Time to Walk the Talk and Be My Own Best Advocate

Talk (or writing) is cheap. Action is necessary. My best advocate is me, after all. In 2012, I began to blog once a week. Less than a year and a half later, it became twice a week. From there, I expanded my efforts. I’d said for a long time that I was a writer. And I had evidence of that being true – but not sharable evidence. Blogging regularly led to writing more frequently in general, which in turn led

How Is It Worthwhile to Adjust Our Mindset/Headspace/Psyche Selves?

It’s worthwhile because it’s the only thing we can genuinely control. Ever find yourself thinking about something utterly outside of your control? I don’t just mean a random, passing thought. What I’m on about is giving deep, analytical thought towards something over which you have zero control. For example – politics. Apart from voting, protests, phone calls and letters to our representatives – there’s nothing we can do. When it comes to the world stage, there’s even less that we

Positivity Is a Choice to Empower Taking Control of Our Lives

Positivity is less about how we feel than about how we choose to approach our lives. How easy is it to feel bad? To find negativity in the world? To see darkness, sadness, and hopelessness? Too easy. Surf the internet. Watch cable news. Shouldn’t take more than a minute or two to start down that path. Because it is so extremely easy to find the bad and the negative in our world today – they often become dominant. And if

Why Does Getting Over Feeling Hurt Take So Long?

Even unintentional hurt that we are made feel tends to linger. Someone that I care a great deal about hurt me. Let me be clear about several facts in this matter. First – I know it was not their intent to cause me hurt. They were in their own odd headspace, and it made them less receptive to the impact their actions had. Second – Given our history, this should not have come as the surprise that it did. Yet