The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 230

Just breathe. It is not cliché.  Sometimes the best thing you can do is to just breathe. I have been feeling off for a few days now.  I have gotten a lot of things done, and I haven’t had anything bad happen, I have just not felt quite right.  I have felt off.  My energy has been low, and my spirits too. We all have bad days.  We all have times when we are off, and while we can seek

Pathwalking 229

Everybody has comfort zones. We all have places where we feel most comfortable.  Some are literal, some are figurative.  Each of us have places where we can go to feel comfort, to feel calm, to just be without overtaxing ourselves. The problem with comfort zones is that sometimes they can be very hard to break out of. One of the things about Pathwalking is that it is my way of choosing my own destiny, going my own way as makes

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