The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Am I In An Open Cell But Unable to Leave It?

This is all about trauma, change, and the reality of what comfort zones are. Life is crazy. So much is happening out there, is it any wonder we’re all losing our minds? Here’s my personal dilemma. My therapist and I have seen numerous ways that I’ve improved my life. Overall, I’m in a really good place. Yet, for some reason, I feel stuck. The reason? Because somewhere in the back of my brain, I feel like I’m missing something. What

Why is Doing the Uncomfortable Thing Positive?

Growth comes only from leaving our comfort zones. As I’m writing this, I’ve reached the end of my third foray to Farpointcon. This sci-fi con in Maryland has allowed me to meet and hang out with other like-minded geeks. As a guest author, I also get to sit on some cool panels and get an hour at a table to sign and sell books. Despite being an actor in HS, a DJ in college, and serving as a court herald

Knowing You Will Die, Why Won’t You Choose to Live?

Death is inevitable. Why would you neglect to choose to live while you are here? There is a major difference between simply existing and living. Existing is easy and can be done by rote and routine. You go about your days following the same patterns and behaviors, taking little to no joy in life and putting things off for tomorrow, after you lose 50 pounds, after your kids go to college, retirement, or some other forthcoming marker. A marker that

Why is The Unknown Path So Damned Scary?

Because it’s unknown – and thus, uncertain. On the one hand, I’ve never been one for plans, lists, and the like. It’s always felt genuine and true to myself to be more improvisational in my approach to life. On the other hand, I’m a Virgo. Sometimes I get utterly ordered and freakishly clean, arrange, and set stuff up. When it comes to choosing and walking a given path in my life, this can be challenging. Loose and ready for anything

What is The Ego and How Does It Control Your Life Experience?

The ego is an almost conscious entity in and of itself. The concept of the ego, as most people are familiar with, originated from Sigmund Freud in 1923. In his paper, The Ego and the Id, he laid out what has become a major foundation for psychoanalysis that’s still applied today. To summarize (probably poorly), Freud’s concept of the ego was focused on the self – between the fun-loving and impulsive Id and the spiritual and ethereal Superego. Freud’s take

Do You Recognize Your Comfort Zones and How They Impact You?

Everyone has multiple comfort zones that they exist within. One of the biggest challenges I have when it comes to walking my chosen life path is moving out of my comfort zones. Even when a given comfort zone is unideal and maybe unhelpful to me and my life, that doesn’t mean leaving it is ever easy. Why? Because comfort zones are comfortable due to their familiarity. And the familiar is often comforting – even when not good for us. While

How Is The Struggle An Important Part of Any Chosen Path?

Because without the struggle we lack the impetus for growth and change. One of the hardest aspects of working to improve our lives is stepping out of our existing comfort zones. Why is it called a comfort zone? Because it’s comfortable. Though that’s not wholly accurate. More than being comfortable, our comfort zone is about familiarity. It’s what we know, are used to, and consider deep down to be the norm. Such that it is. This is why we often

Do You Recognize and Acknowledge Self-Sabotage When You See It?

Self-sabotage is currently staring me in the face. There is nobody better at getting in my way than me. I have an incredible talent for tripping myself along any given path I choose. Somehow, I manage to find a way to self-sabotage. Then, I wonder what happened and how I can stop it from happening again. Over the past couple of years, I’ve gotten better at recognizing it when it creeps up on me. Like a Dungeons and Dragons Rogue

Why is it the Same, But Different?

This day is the same, but different from yesterday. Despite their similarities, no two days are exactly alike.  No two people are alike.  Each and every one of us feels things differently.  No matter what the subject, it may feel as if it is the same, but it’s different. It is very easy to fall into routines.  We human beings are enormous fans of things being unchanging, and familiar.  But as I have been writing a lot lately, change is

Will You Get Uncomfortable?

Getting uncomfortable on purpose seems kind of backwards. Yet when we leave our comfort zones and work our lives away from familiarity, that’s precisely what we’re doing. I hate this part. There is nothing more disconcerting than effecting a major change in your life.  Really, how crazy is it to move away from the comfortable, on purpose, in order to create something that may be better…or, possibly, might be worse? But that is how consciousness creates reality.  We make our

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