The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Don’t Negative Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions Bring Positive Outcomes?

This is obvious, right? And yet… I’ve met many people who are constant complainers. This is wrong, that’s not right, those things are imperfect. People, places, things – they will find something to complain about. What’s funny about this – not funny – is that they frequently add a complaint even to something good. We had a great experience at that restaurant – except for the waitress or It was a great rental car, but it smelled like air freshener

What Is a Cost Analysis of Life Choices?

Every choice you make has a cost. This is highly variable and subjective. Sir Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion states, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This is applicable, however, beyond the laws of motion. For anything and everything that you do – literal or figurative – there will be a reaction. Some approach this from the notion that actions have consequences. I look at it as every choice you make is an action you

Changing Your Life Is Only as Difficult as You Make It

How difficult do you make it? When it comes to finding the best ways to complicate my life, I’m an expert. This tends to come from overthinking things, overanalyzing, self-doubt, uncertainty, fear, and similar factors. Why? Sometimes it’s because of the idea that if it looks too good to be true (or too easy) it probably is. Other times because I’ve long believed that nothing worth having is ever easy. Then there are external factors like the opinions of others,

Do You Face Your Fears or Live Life Afraid?

This is always a choice. And the choice is always yours. About the only certainty in life is uncertainty. No matter what and how you plan, no matter what you prepare – the uncertain might well get in your way. That’s because the one and only constant in the universe is change. And most change is utterly outside of your control. This is where – I believe – almost every fear you and I face is based. After years of

What’s More Powerful – Compliments or Criticism?

The answer is much simpler than most tend to make it. When you do something – doesn’t matter what it is – how do you prefer it be received? Would you rather be complimented for it – or criticized? I’m going to presume your answer is the same as mine: complimented. How does it seem to be so easy for people to forget this? Why do I say people forget this? Because I think if more people paused to think

Please Stop Being Complacent With Your Life

Complacency leads to losing awareness and control. Despite numerous messages to the contrary, you control your life. What does complacent mean? In this context, it’s losing touch with/awareness of yourself, due to a sense of comfort and satisfaction that everything is as it should be. And maybe it is. For a while. But inevitably, it won’t be. Comfort zones cease being comfortable and familiar. That sense of satisfaction stops feeling satisfying because of tangibles, intangibles, or both. Why? Because of

Give Up, Push Through, Or Find Another Way?

No matter the obstacles, you always have a choice. Life is seldom simple. Very rarely do you get to go from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’ smoothly and obstacle free. And every time you come across challenges and obstacles in your life, you can give up, push through, or try another way. That doesn’t always feel true. There are plenty of times when it feels like you’re stuck, trapped, and without recourse. The trouble is, you always have choices –

Trigger Warning: Do You Control Your Triggers or Do They Control You?

What I’m exploring here might upset people with various triggers. But please read on. I’m all for warning about content. Some people have sensitivities that should be acknowledged and addressed as such. I think it’s good to be sensitive to this. Now I’m going to get controversial. Some people will do everything in their power to avoid their triggers. I get that, I really do. I have some triggers, too. But this becomes problematic because avoiding triggers allows them to

Why Is It Good That There Are NO Absolutes in Life?

Because no absolutes means endless possibilities. There are always extremes. For every good there’s bad. Every up has a down. Positivity is mirrored by negativity. Liberals face off against conservatives. Extremes are on either end of a given spectrum (whether you compare via a coin, flexible cylinder, or what have you). The extremes rarely, if ever, exist alone. There’s a ginormous amount of color and grey between them. Yet you’re often being lumped into one group or another. Or getting

What is The Ego and How Does It Control Your Life Experience?

The ego is an almost conscious entity in and of itself. The concept of the ego, as most people are familiar with, originated from Sigmund Freud in 1923. In his paper, The Ego and the Id, he laid out what has become a major foundation for psychoanalysis that’s still applied today. To summarize (probably poorly), Freud’s concept of the ego was focused on the self – between the fun-loving and impulsive Id and the spiritual and ethereal Superego. Freud’s take