The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Does Self-Motivation Work?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Self-motivation is a particularly challenging topic. This is something that is problematic for nearly everyone.  However, if you are dealing with depression, and/or anxiety, it can be even more difficult. What IS self-motivation?  It is finding our own inner-resources in order to motivate ourselves to do things.  Sometimes they are big things, sometimes small.  Finding motivation generally begins with the self, though we frequently go out-of-our-way to

How Are You Stronger Than Depression?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   You are stronger than depression. Depression is a liar.  Depression will tell you all kinds of things about who you are, and they are all lies.  It tells you that you are unworthy, undeserving, and that all bad things are what you can have. But you are worthy, and deserving, and all good things are what you can have.  Depression is lying to you, and though I

What Are Lost Days?

Lost days happen from time to time. There were plans.  Ideas were plotted out.  And then, things happened…and before I know it the day has flown by.  It’s after five, and everything I have planned out hasn’t come to pass. Then, just to add a little more fun to it for my own entertainment, I have been struggling with writing this post. Before I get annoyed, or start along a downward spiral, it’s important to acknowledge that lost days will

How Does Joy Empower?

Joy empowers us. When we do things that bring joy into our lives, we make ourselves better, stronger, and happier.  Joy raises our frequency, and lets us attract more of the things we truly want for ourselves. Yet we frequently will deny ourselves joy.  Why?  A number of different reasons, of course. First is the external.  In a society so focused on lack and scarcity, we wind up made to feel guilty if something makes us feel joyful.  We begin

Are You Kind?

Be kind to yourself.  Give kindness to others. I am sitting here this morning, trying to come up with words for this post, and I have been doing my usual routine.  I go to Facebook, I play a couple games, and I read through a bunch of posts. There are a lot of discouraging things going on out there.  So much anger, so much fear, such unbelievable negativity.  Is this really the world we want to live in? I don’t

Pathwalking 223

There are a lot of different things on my mind, and it is causing me to lack in focus. Some are pretty big picture, way out of my personal control matters.  Some are very much in the here-and-now.  And some are dreams, desires and destinations I want to reach. Everybody gets caught up in this.  We all have personal matters, professional matters, and worldly concerns.  As I analyze this, I am beginning to think that we often allow the things

Pathwalking 223

There are a lot of different things on my mind, and it is causing me to lack in focus. Some are pretty big picture, way out of my personal control matters.  Some are very much in the here-and-now.  And some are dreams, desires and destinations I want to reach. Everybody gets caught up in this.  We all have personal matters, professional matters, and worldly concerns.  As I analyze this, I am beginning to think that we often allow the things

Pathwalking 222

It is important to leave the past in the past. As much as I am never one to hold a grudge, I do still hold onto many things from my past.  And unfortunately, not in a good way. We always can learn from the past.  The key, however, is to not take it with you into the present and on to the future. Let me explain in more detail. When I went to college I began with zero direction.  I

Pathwalking 221

Lately I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety. This is not a regular sensation for me, I don’t get anxious easily.  But I am well aware that anxiety, as a disguise for fear, gets in the way of Pathwalking. So what am I feeling anxious about? The first step in dealing with anxiety is identifying it.  I know that there are several things giving me anxiety, some of which I can deal with directly, some less so. Current anxiety