The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Do You Hit the Reset Button?

Everybody needs a chance to hit the reset button.

Whether it is merely for a few minutes, a night, or an extended vacation, hitting the reset button is essential to our wellbeing.  We might have things that need to be done on a regular basis, but we still need to rest and relax from time to time.  That is what it means to hit the reset button.

Hitting the Reset ButtonDespite negative connotations in the idea of rest and relaxation, such as slacking off, laziness or other similar perceptions, there is enormous positivity in resting.

Resting allows us to change our focus.  Hitting the reset button allows us to recover from strains, whether physical, mental and/or emotional.  Resting gives us a chance to restart, to alter our approach, to examine where we have been, where we are now and where we are going.

So how come our society doesn’t seem to like us to stop?  I suspect that this is borne of the incessant need to always be productive, to always be doing something, to always be in motion, lest we be perceived as inferior, and as such we get passed up or passed by or otherwise fail.

There is this unhealthy belief that unless you push yourself half to death, you will never succeed.  Of course, if that were true, a lot more big business owners would probably be dropping dead of exhaustion, rather than raping, pillaging, and living it up on their yachts.

It frequently feels like our society rewards people who never stop, never slow, never seem to take a break from action.  However, we are only human.  We all need to take breaks, to collect our thoughts, to rest and recuperate, to take new directions and actions in our lives.

Hitting the Reset Button Changes the Game

Rest can take any number of forms.  A few minutes to surf social media on your phone at work.  A walk outside in the sun.  Taking a moment for coffee and chatting with friends and/or coworkers.  Meditating.  Falling into your favorite spot on the couch and watching something on TV for a while.  Playing a game.  Taking a trip to the beach and lying in a hammock with icy beverages for a week.

Rest in all of these forms is hugely positive, and can let us be more productive and in a better frame of mind.

Reset ButtonIt’s important to recognize the difference between rest and distraction.  Rest is just that, a break, a pause, time out or time off.  Distraction is taking a new action or following a new process that is just a different form of busy work, or pseudo-productivity, that does not provide the break from stimulus we need for our greater positivity and overall wellbeing.

Nobody can go twenty-four-seven.  It’s just not possible, we all need to hit the reset button, which is different from sleep.  We need breaks that allow us to shift ourselves physically, emotionally and intellectually, or some combination of these, and allow ourselves a chance to discover lots of means for positivity.

Rest is good for our health on every level, and should not be something we deny ourselves.  We all deserve rest for our wellbeing, and from our wellbeing to build greater positivity in our lives.

Finding positivity is not hard, but it does require action.

Knowing that everybody needs to hit the reset button from time to time, we can seek out and find ways to take these necessary mental, physical and emotional breaks.  When we allow ourselves to get rest, whether its short breaks of lengthy vacations, we are better able to empower ourselves.  When we feel empowered, we often spread that feeling to others around us, and as such can build more positive feelings.  We can use the positive feelings this generates to dissolve negative feelings.  When we take away negative feelings, we open up space to let in positive feelings, and that is something we can be grateful for.  Gratitude leads to happiness.  Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude.  Positive attitude begets positive energy, and that is always a good thing.


This is the two-hundred and thirty-fifth entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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