The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Change is Opportunity

Change is opportunity.

Since change is inevitable, and we can choose to embrace change or not, we get to decide if it is bad luck…or an opportunity.

How does this work?  Change is opportunity because it is a chance for something new and different.  It might be a fresh start, it might be a shift, great or small, that can be used to take on a new direction or do different things.

I believe that if more people saw change as opportunity rather than as something awful, we’d live in a more proactive, rather than reactive world.

Change is OpportunityThis is something I need to remind myself about more than I do.  While I am not afraid of change, I tend not to embrace it, either.  I like my familiar surroundings, and though it is not my intent, I tend to be loath to change them.

Change is opportunity.  When what you have going is not entirely what you want, change is the chance to alter it.  We get to make new decisions, different choices, and experience new things.

This year there have already been a lot of changes.  We moved to a totally different part of the state than we lived before; new job; taking a walk every weekday morning; loss of the albatross around my neck.

Every single one of these has been an opportunity.  The move brought about my having an incredible office to work from, and our new neighborhood is really cool.  I love this new job.  My daily walk is healthy.  The removal of this burden is quite the relief.

I am still seeking some new things in my life.  However, I am taking my annual vacation, which, though it involves some “work”, tends to act as a reset for my life.

Change is opportunity for growth

Growth is inextricably linked to change.  One cannot grow without change, period end of story.  Growth, whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional, IS change.  We become someone new and different from whom we currently are.

As such, change is an opportunity to become more.  If you are dissatisfied with life, change is opportunity to alter that.

Overall, I have a pretty good life.  I have a home, friends, an awesome wife, an incredible hobby, a job I like, and I get to work on my writing.  Yet while it’s pretty good, it is not as excellent as I know it could be.

So I am going to embrace some change, and take actions to alter my life.  Once I get back from Pennsic (I write about this every year – big SCA event in Pennsylvania) I am going to begin putting together what I need to start podcasting.

Why podcasting?  Because though blogging is really cool, I believe that podcasting might open up more.  I am still working on the details, and I need to figure out the equipment I will need, but I think this could be really cool.

This is going to be a change.  But to go forward with life and cross more of the bridges between the worlds I live in, a necessary one.

Change is opportunity to overcome fear

That’s going to be the other challenge for me in this process.  I am human.  Like most humans, change can be a bit scary to me.

I need to stop sabotaging my change.  This is opportunity, and that is something I desire.  If I am going to get where I wish to go in this life, then I need to not let my fears inhibit my motivation.  I know that I can do almost anything I desire to do.  It’s a matter of doing it.

Consciousness creates reality.  I can manifest virtually anything I can conceive of.  I know this.  It’s been done by me before.  As such, the doubt, which is a disguise for the fear, needs to be released.

But first…a little rest and relaxation.  Don’t anyone break the internet while I’m away.

As always, thank you for crossing the bridges between my worlds with me.


This is the ninety-seventh entry of my personal journey, the Crossing the Bridges series.  My collectively published writing can be found here.

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