What Will You Learn Today?

Why is recognizing what you can and will learn today important? There is always something new to be learned. Recognizing this can make a huge difference in your life. When you think there is nothing you can do; if the world seems to be only negative; if you find you are at a loss – there is a chance to learn something new today. What this means is that if you are stuck, displeased, distressed, frustrated, or otherwise not where

Want Guaranteed Failure? Don’t Even Try

For a lot of my life, I was so afraid of failing that I didn’t do anything. Hence, I had a guaranteed failure. I would reach a crossroads and just stand there, indecisive. There, right in front of me, were multiple choices. Yet I could not decide which – if any – to choose. I’d have an idea for something I desired to do – but indecision paralysis set in. Nothing was done, and I did not leave the crossroads.

What Control Do You Have?

The control you have is real and powerful – but you alone can choose to take it. The human mind is so powerful that science and medicine still only barely understand its capacity. What’s more, your mind is not just the central processing unit (CPU) of your physical body. It is where you reside in the form by which you most identify. Thoughts and feelings are to your intangible self as water is to the tangible. Water makes up more

New Path – or – An Old Path Anew?

Am I embarking on a new path or just living the definition of insanity? This quote is attributed to Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Whether or not Einstein did in fact say this, the point is valid. How else can you explain trying the same thing again and again – with little to no change – and expecting the result to change? This is not the notion of seeking

Who Wants to Feel Good?

Clearly, fewer and fewer people want positivity or to feel good. It is time to accept the truth, and I am going to do that here. Nobody wants to feel good. Everywhere you turn its bad news, terrible things, division, hatred, anger, and on and on. Spend 5 minutes on Facebook and you will receive a ton of negative messages. The negativity only seems to get bigger and bigger. Clearly, I am in the minority with my work to find

You Do You

I can’t tell you what to be, how to be, or what to do. So, you do you. Every day, I offer different ideas, insights, pieces of advice, and the like. I write extensive explanations of conscious reality creation, mindfulness, positivity, and other life lessons. Then I share them both because I have a desire to explore them further, and because I believe that you could benefit from that exploration. No matter what I share, the ideas I present, or

Are You Learning Who You Are Today?

There is ALWAYS something new to be discovered – even about yourself. How are you learning who you are today? No two days are alike. Similar, certainty – but never alike. Every single day of your life has potential and possibility. Anything can happen – anything at all. Though planet Earth itself is relatively small – the Universe is nearly infinite. Hence why it goes to follow that there is always something new to be learned. On the grand scale

Why Do What You Do?

This is a valid question that can be applied to many things. So why do what you do? I don’t know about you, but the past nearly six months have been insane for me. I kept on working through the pandemic from home but lost fencing practice in the wisdom to close things down. Friends have been furloughed, lost jobs, or are facing sending kids back to school – or returning there themselves to teach – despite the ongoing battle

The World is NOT Ending

I know that it feels that way – but it really, truly, is NOT ending. Are you feeling it? That inexplicable stress? The sensation that you are a rubber band wound too tightly and fit to burst? Do your emotions simply overwhelm you with little or no explanation? If you answered yes to any or all of the above – you are feeling the impact of the current world situation. Between COVID-19, a vacuum of useful leadership in the United

What Can You Offer to the World?

The world is full of potential and possibility. But what have you got to offer to it? For years, I asked myself – what is my purpose in life? I know I am not the only one who has asked this question. For a long, long time – the answer was unclear. However, I am pretty sure that this is because I was trying to figure out how to fit inside a box that I was not ever going to

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