What Does Today Mean For You and Your Life Path?

Momentous or just another day, there’s little difference. Today is the day after one of the most significant elections in the United States. This has been the cause of a lot of conflict, disagreement, strife, depression, anxiety, and uncertainty for many. One side represents progress. The other, quite possibly, is the end of US democracy. This is a big deal. It’s not something to be taken lightly. I voted and I hope that you did, too. As momentous as the outcome

Do Change and Positivity Go Hand in Hand?

That largely depends on you. Although it’s terrifying, there is an unavoidable truth to life, the Universe, and everything. The one and only constant through it all is change, Change is inevitable. It can, will, and does happen. Change in and of itself is neutral. Its impact on you is going to vary depending on the environment, situation, circumstances, and lots of other factors. Some change you can and do choose. Much of this might seem minor and insignificant but it’s

Nobody Is Only One Thing

Everyone is many things. How do you identify yourself? This in and of itself is a multi-layered notion. For example, I identify myself by my name, age, ethnic heritage, height, weight, nation, gender, vocation, hair color, eye color, and that’s just a start. Dig deeper and you’ll find more identifiers you can use. You likely identify yourself in similar, multiple ways. There are many reasons for this. It can depend on who you are sharing your identity with, why you’re

They Might Call You Selfish, But Are You?

Genuine selfishness is very specific. When you look in the mirror, who is looking back at you? That would be you. Who is inside your head, heart, and soul with you? Nobody is in the depths of you but you yourself. You are the only you that there is. Nobody else can be you. There is nobody who can occupy your body, head, heart, or soul, but you. Even when you allow a friend, family member, or loved one to

Why Is It So Hard to Be in the Present?

Connections to people, places, things, and linear time can disempower you. This is true for everyone, everywhere: The only time that is actually, factually real, is the present. Right now. This moment, here and now. The past has come and gone. What happened before can, will, and does impact your life. However, that impact can vary pretty wildly, especially if you leave it unobserved. More on that ahead. The future is just that. The future. It hasn’t happened yet. What

Desired Change Begins From Within Not Without

Outside influences can impact you, but only if you allow them to. Nothing, and I mean nothing at all, has always been static and unchanged. Nothing. No person, place, or thing. Everything changes. Sometimes change is so slow and subtle that it makes no noticeable impact for a while. Other times, change is instantaneous, good, bad, and everything in between. As free-thinking human beings, you and I have the power to choose to change. This can be literal, figurative, metaphorical,

Well-Meaning Doesn’t Equal Welcome

Thank you for caring but… Do you have well-meaning people in your life? Friends, family, coworkers, people who say things to you that they intend to be helpful but, frankly, aren’t? I do. While I know they are telling me what they do out of a genuine, good intent, they’re often missing the point and having the opposite effect. My life is mine to live. To many people, that’s the ultimate selfish statement. Yet it’s the unabashed truth. That’s because

Right and Wrong Are Perceptional Constructs

They don’t necessarily mean what you think they mean. One of society’s most fascinating and terrifying truths is that it has an incessant need for over-simplification. Everything is increasingly shunted to one extreme or the other. The truth, however, is that nearly everything genuinely exists in grey and colored areas between any and all given extremes. Most people live their lives between black and white, fat and thin, wise and foolish, and every other extreme you can name. Even positivity and

Must It Be All or Nothing?

That depends on the situation. Have you ever noticed that when someone decides to lose weight, start a new hobby, or make a large change in their life, they go all in? They throw their full literal or metaphoric weight into the action in an all-or-nothing shot at achieving some goal. Why? Society and its many expectations are the likely culprits. Every commercial diet program, from Jenny Craig to Weight Watchers to Atkins tends to be all or nothing. Buy

One Size Never Fits All

Who are you doing that for? Whose life is it anyway? The balance between living to work and working to live is precarious. Has it always been this way? No. But “they” want you to believe that it’s always been this way AND you can’t change it. For example, after COVID lockdowns, work from home became a lot more popular. All the stories that those who work from home are way less productive were utterly disproven. Yet, here we are,