I Love Not Being Normal

Why do we think normal is such a positive thing, anyhow? I am not in any way, shape, or form, normal. And I am not saying that without proof. In 2007, during an epic road trip across the Southern USA, I was exploring Santa Fe, New Mexico. From time to time, throughout the day, I saw this guy in a blazer who looked a lot like actor Orlando Jones. He was walking around with a tripod and camera. I thought

If Not Now, When?

If not now, when will you decide it’s time to experience life for all it has to offer? We all get one shot at this specific life experience. Whether active or passive, we experience life every single day. That’s comprised of, Everything that you think, do, intend, and feel. All that happens to you – inside or outside your control – is part of your life experience. The people, places, and things you interact with are elements of your life

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Negativity or positivity – you receive what you ask the Universe for. True fact: Spend 2 minutes scrolling through Facebook or Twitter and you will find bad news. Some will be deeply personal. Someone passed away, a relationship ended, a job was lost, and so on. Most, though, will be broad and utterly impersonal. Politics, the ongoing pandemic, global warming, and on and on. This can very quickly become overwhelming. I get it. Part of why I have been working

I Don’t Know

It’s okay that I don’t know – because it means I’ve something new to learn. Recently, I had a discussion with a friend about learning new things. In this instance, we were talking about a personal lesson regarding a mutual acquaintance. Said acquaintance, whom I only trust as far as I can throw (which isn’t far) did something hugely upsetting to my friend. It was behavior I’ve seen from that person before – so it came as no surprise to

Move Past Yesterday

Whether it was good or bad, yesterday has come and gone. When I write about yesterday, I’m not necessarily referring to the day before today. Yesterday, in this context, is mostly referring to the past. Many people get stuck in their lives because of the past. Things great and small, personal and impersonal hold them back. Some yearn for a return to yesterday – while others would like nothing better than to recreate the past the same in the future.

Don’t Trip Over How

Along any given path it’s easy to trip over how It’s been a decade since I began to seek, find, and walk my chosen path. This has occurred in fits and starts, with some success here and achievement there. But there is one hurdle, one obstacle that still tends to trip me up. How. Further, this gets complicated by walking the line of reality as it is now versus as it could be via conscious reality creation. I know where

Why Choose Positivity?

Because choosing positivity empowers you. Every day, you have choices. Get out of bed or sleep in? Oatmeal or yogurt for breakfast? Make or order lunch? Steak or chicken for dinner? Go to bed at 10 or 11? These choices are frequent, constant, and seemingly insignificant. But they are neither inconsequential nor insignificant. Life is all about choices. Great or small, everything you choose impacts everything you do. For example – let’s say you sleep in. And sleep past your

What I Believe is True

Even though what I believe is true – I have the power to change it. I know more than one person struggling right now. Frankly, in multiple ways, I am struggling, too. The struggle is based on who I am now – versus – who I was and have been – versus – who I desire to be. When you have been applying certain beliefs, habits, and values for as long as you can remember – they seem unchangeable. They

Outrage Culture Serves Nobody

Outrage culture is tearing our society apart. There have been a lot of different talking points about cancel culture. Most of this is fed by false ideas of erasing, this, that, or the other thing for “political correctness”, “woke culture”, and other such notions. The idea of cancel culture is thoroughly divisive, too. But the real issue, to me, is not this notion of cancel culture. The real problem is the pervading outrage culture. People find reasons to get outraged

Satisfaction or Success?

What if it’s not success we truly seek in life – but satisfaction? I have been on multiple quests throughout my life. Along the way, I have sought a place to truly call home. Not just the location. The notion of home – where I am rooted and meant to be. Though still a bit vague – I have found that. I sought a career. There were many different job ideas that I pursued. Radio DJ, theatre, graphic arts, journalism,

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