If Yesterday Sucked Will Today Likely Suck Too?

I get to decide if today will be like yesterday – or not. Every single day I get to make new choices. I’m not talking about what to eat, what to wear, or those types of choices. I’m talking about how to think, feel, and act. Every. Single. Day. But that doesn’t mean I consciously, actively make choices. Often, I just go with the flow, follow my routines, and let shit happen as it will. That’s also a choice. Albeit

Do You Recognize and Acknowledge Self-Sabotage When You See It?

Self-sabotage is currently staring me in the face. There is nobody better at getting in my way than me. I have an incredible talent for tripping myself along any given path I choose. Somehow, I manage to find a way to self-sabotage. Then, I wonder what happened and how I can stop it from happening again. Over the past couple of years, I’ve gotten better at recognizing it when it creeps up on me. Like a Dungeons and Dragons Rogue

What Does the Saying “There’s No Time Like the Present” Truly Mean?

“There’s no time like the present” is a genuine, empowering understanding of the reality of time. Proverb, adage, whatever you call it – you’ve likely heard or read the phrase “there’s no time like the present” at some point. It may seem trite – but it’s quite powerful. Because of the complexities of human thought, we can get lost in ruminations of the past and plotting notions for the future. In truth, we can get so caught up in past

How Do I Learn Not to Take These Things Personally?

I’ve spent a lot of time working with the question of not taking things personally. Do you know what one of the hardest lessons I’ve had in the past two years has been? Not taking some specific things personally. Such as? How many reads my blog posts get and how many books I sell. Both my blog posts and my books are products. They have been lovingly crafted by me and shared with the world. When people don’t click on

What If You say “F*@k It” and Release Something You’re Holding In?

Sometimes release is necessary to clear your mind, heart, and soul. I have a lot of things going on in my head right now that are negatively impacting my life. They are making me feel small, disempowered, irked, flustered, and other sometimes conflicting adjectives I could apply. I strive to act regularly so that I don’t wind up holding back and holding things in. I learned a long time ago that holding stuff in leads to a lot of different

I’m Not Feeling at all Flustered and Stressed – You’re Stressed!

Yeah, that’s a lie. I’m feeling flustered and stressed. But what comes next is on me. Let’s talk about the great big elephant in the room. Feeling stressed. Virtually everyone deals with stress from time to time. Deadlines, pressures to do things from within and without, expectations, and many other things can be stressors in our lives. Even when you seek to carve your own path in life – it is not stress-free. I don’t care who they are –

Learning to Recognize and Embrace Knowing What You Don’t Know

Recognizing and acknowledging knowing what you don’t know is incredibly freeing. I love to learn. One of the things that keeps me optimistic overall is that I know that there is always something new to be learned. More information to be found. New ideas to experience. Yes, there are things that I could learn that have I zero interest in. There are things that I’m happy to have just passing knowledge of. For most of my life, I have loved

Are You Feeling Invisible? You’re Not Invisible and You’re Not Alone

Feeling invisible in a world with nearly 8 billion people is not weird or abnormal. The past couple of years has had an impact on everyone. It varies from person to person – but nobody has been excluded. Directly or indirectly, the past couple of years has been like no others before them. While that’s always the truth when it comes to the passage of time – the past 2 years have been overwhelming in all the ways they’ve been

You Can’t Please All of the People All of the Time – That’s a Positive

Recognizing who you can and can’t please is a highly freeing, positive act. You may or may not be familiar with this quote attributed to both Abraham Lincoln and John Lydgate, “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.” If you are a people pleaser – this is a bitter pill to swallow. But

How Important is it for Me to Know Who and What NOT Be?

It’s just as important for me to know who and what not to be as who and what to be. Let’s just get this out of the way, shall we? Let’s quote some Hamlet from Shakespeare, “To be or not to be – that is the question.” The question as I am posing it today is more specific, direct, and less philosophical than Hamlet’s query. I share what I do about mindfulness, conscious reality creation, positivity, and the other work

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