Can The Path You’re Taking Ever Be the Same Path Again?

Are we taking the same path we might have taken before? There are nearly 8 billion people on this planet. Each and every one of us have our own paths to choose from in this life. At a minimum, that means there are 8 billion paths. Given that we all have more than one path to choose from, that number is probably exponentially higher. There are more likely billions upon billions, if not trillions of paths to choose from. Some

Life Is Always In Motion Whether We Choose It or It Chooses Us

We’re empowered to choose what our lives look like. It’s all too easy to feel despair. Hell, lots of messages are being constantly screamed at us on TV, radio, social media, newspapers, and all other public fora intend to cause despair. Generally ludicrous, extreme, “or else” messages. Vote for that guy or else you will despair. Buy this product or else you will despair. Drive this car or else you will despair. Use this service or else you will despair.

How Do You Perceive and Handle Your Own Flaws and Imperfections?

Everyone is flawed and imperfect. Do you embrace or resist your flaws and imperfections? Nobody is perfect. And I mean NOBODY. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you came from, or anything else at all that you can think of – NOBODY IS PERFECT. What’s more – perfection, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. That which you might identify as perfect I might see as an imperfect, ridiculous mess. And vice versa. Everyone has flaws and

Is Your Morning Routine Exhausting or Empowering? The Choice is Yours

You get to decide if every new day will be exhausting or empowering. During the workweek, when you wake up, do you begin your day feeling exhausted? Do you struggle to get out of bed, get going, and face all that lies before you today? Or do you begin your day feeling empowered? Do you get out of bed, get going, and face all that lies before you today ready to experience potential and possibilities? Odds are, neither is the

How Do You Silence Doubts, Fears, and Other Negatives In Your Head?

Mindfulness, of course, is the key to finding and/or creating silence. I read a lot. Every morning, I spend about an hour reading. A chapter or two of fiction, and a chapter or two of nonfiction. Most of my nonfiction reading is along the same lines I blog about. Mindfulness, self-awareness, self-encouragement, psychology, and like topics. I read this to increase my knowledge base and find new ways to live this life on my terms. And live it as fully

Did You Know That What You Believe – Positive or Negative – Is True?

Positive or negative – what you believe is true. Even if you don’t buy into the Law of Attraction – like gravity, thermodynamics, and other elements of nature – it still exists and does its work whether you are conscious of it or not. This is why what you believe is true. At least, from your unique, one-of-a-kind perspective. Every single person on earth has their own perception of reality. Ergo, we all have unique perspectives on life, the universe,

Which Do You Fear More – Rejection or Suffering?

It’s not the rejection you fear so much as the suffering that’ll come with it. Nobody likes to suffer. Suffering – mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually – is unpleasant. The pain that comes with suffering – tangible or not – is unpleasant, distressing, uncomfortable, and just plain awful. But do you know what’s worse than suffering? Often – the fear over how and what it’ll be. Frequently, we don’t recognize suffering as our fear. It gets cloaked in another, more

It’s Time to Walk the Talk and Be My Own Best Advocate

Talk (or writing) is cheap. Action is necessary. My best advocate is me, after all. In 2012, I began to blog once a week. Less than a year and a half later, it became twice a week. From there, I expanded my efforts. I’d said for a long time that I was a writer. And I had evidence of that being true – but not sharable evidence. Blogging regularly led to writing more frequently in general, which in turn led

I Owned Up to My Mistake and It Essentially Worked Out Okay

When you own up to a mistake accountability is empowering. I presently work 3 jobs. First and foremost – I work for myself. Writer, editor, storyteller, podcaster, blogger, etc. I’m taking action and doing things to build the life I most desire to have for myself. Secondly, I’ve been working for this amazing entrepreneur for the last year. She has multiple businesses and tons of amazing ideas. I am both her personal assistant and the managing director of her brands

Acceptance Is a Matter of Positivity – And It Starts with Ourselves

Acceptance of ourselves begins all else. For a long time, I was less than fond of myself. All I seemed to be capable of was finding the fault in myself. I was always looking at how I managed to fail at jobs, screw up relationships, and remain overweight. For about two decades, I lived indecisively, constantly finding the flaws in myself, and not accepting all of how I was uniquely me. Sometime in my late 30s, though, that began to

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