It’s Okay (And Normal) Not to Be Mindful All the Time

Nobody can be anything all the time. Please allow me to make this blanket statement: The one and only constant in the entire Universe is change. You have experienced change in your life before – and you will experience it again. The child you were, the teen you became, and the adult you (probably) are now represent change in you and your life. Some elements, beliefs, values, and habits might be the same or similar. But they’ve still come up

Do You Face Your Fears or Live Life Afraid?

This is always a choice. And the choice is always yours. About the only certainty in life is uncertainty. No matter what and how you plan, no matter what you prepare – the uncertain might well get in your way. That’s because the one and only constant in the universe is change. And most change is utterly outside of your control. This is where – I believe – almost every fear you and I face is based. After years of

Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

This is a new and fascinating challenge. Walking my own talk isn’t easy. Despite being a champion for mindfulness, conscious reality creation, and sharing my Pathwalking philosophy every week – I’m not always good at practicing what I share. There are all sorts of reasons behind this. Please note – I am making no excuses here. This is an honest evaluation of how I don’t always walk my talk. I can be easily distracted. I know ADHD is a serious

What’s More Powerful – Compliments or Criticism?

The answer is much simpler than most tend to make it. When you do something – doesn’t matter what it is – how do you prefer it be received? Would you rather be complimented for it – or criticized? I’m going to presume your answer is the same as mine: complimented. How does it seem to be so easy for people to forget this? Why do I say people forget this? Because I think if more people paused to think

Sometimes You Truly Need a Change of Perspective

Your point of view – no matter how broad you think it – is restrictive. I pride myself on my ability to regularly see all sides of a given argument. Even if I vehemently disagree with the other side – I can still see it. My side, their side, and sometimes even the absolute between or apart from both is evident. However, it’s come to my attention that, even if I can see more than one side to a given

Recognizing Positivity in Impermanence

Change is inevitable, and impermanence is reality. The one and only constant in the Universe is change. Change can, will, and does occur all the time. No two moments are the same. Alike, maybe, but the same? No. That’s how frequently change occurs. You might not believe it. But because people tend to resist, combat, and overall won’t accept change and the reality of it – tons of conflict on many levels is the result. A great deal of this

It Goes Well Until It Feels Like It Stops Going Well

Everyone experiences this and has choices for what to do with it. Things have, despite a lot of craziness outside of my control, been going well of late. I’ve been in therapy again and getting a lot out of it, feeling good about who I am and where I’m going, and it’s all been feeling like it’s steadily improving. Today, I hit a wall. To be fair, there were some extenuating circumstances. Yesterday morning I stepped on the scale for

Why Does Where You Put Your Focus Matter?

If you focus on what you can’t control, you cede your power. Between world news, politics, celebrity gossip, and everything else that the news media and social media tend to share and spread – it’s easy to get caught up in the bullshit. And I do mean bullshit. I’m not saying it’s not good to have a general idea of what is happening in the world at large – but when that’s your primary focus, you shouldn’t be surprised when

I Didn’t Know I Could Do Something for 600 Weeks and Counting

But here we are. Welcome to Pathwalking 600. Just before New Year’s Eve at the end of 2011, I decided that rather than make a flabby, easily ignored, or disregarded resolution – instead, I’d take a New Year’s Action. That action would be to blog at least once a week, every week. Pathwalking was born. My life philosophy would be placed on Wednesdays, and I would write a new article and post it every week. That was now just over

Major Positivity Comes From Recognizing When You Need to Change

But as always, it’s a choice of approach and direction for you to make. The other day, I came to a stark realization. I needed to actively change. This was a matter of looking at all the ways my life has changed since the pandemic – and frankly, all the ways that it hasn’t changed. As I looked at the elements that are my life as it currently is, I saw with stark clarity how I haven’t chosen to change.

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