Pathwalking 53

How do I find a path to choose in the first place? Pathwalking requires a path.  Sometimes, it is not just a matter of choosing a path…it is a matter of finding a path to choose. This is sometimes simple, sometimes seemingly impossible.  But everyone has the ability to make choices, and as such anyone can find a path to choose. But how do I find the path?  Where do I look for a path? This is not something that

Actions for the New Year

Last year, I ended 2011 by stating my plan to make actions rather than resolutions for 2012. I feel that taking action, rather than making a resolution, is more powerful, and far more easy to work with and on.  I am not just putting out some idea for what to do that I might try, I am going to take action. My New Year’s Actions for last year: I will act to more frequently show gratitude for the things I

Pathwalking 52

Endings are seldom the end. One of the things I have postulated all along during the course of these posts has been that at the root of it all, everything is energy.  And energy, science will tell you, can neither be created nor destroyed, it simply is.  Theology says this too, it just calls the same thing the Omnipresent.  It moves into and through form, out of form, and then takes shape again, anew. As such, we never truly reach

Pathwalking 51

Given natural disasters, mass murders and other tragedies, it is easy to question how anyone can believe they have control over anything. It can be terrifying to see how fragile our lives are.  It takes so little to break a body and snuff out a life force.  I suppose it is that randomness, that nonsensical disillusionment that causes a person to turn to religion for solace.  Since it seems that control is but an illusion, if you give it over

Hate is never the answer

Hatred is a wasteful, ugly, primordial, and frankly useless emotion.  To quote Yoda – “Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.” Hate is defined, according to as thus: hate  verb (used with object) 1. to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry. be unwilling; dislike: I hate to do it. verb (used without object) 3. to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility. noun 4. intense dislike; extreme aversion or hostility. 5.the object of extreme aversion or hostility. Why do I bring this up?  Because a lot of people are currently feeling sadness, and sympathy following the recent tragedy in CT.  People are currently grieving.  But the next step will

Pathwalking 50

Confidence is important to Pathwalking. This is not to be confused with competence.  That’s necessary to many skills one may employ in the process of Pathwalking, but what I want to get into here is confidence. Confidence does not come easy for a lot of people.  We often feel that the way others judge us has a pretty major effect on what we are doing with our lives.  But the harshest judge of our confidence is usually ourselves. If I

Pathwalking 49

Old habits are hard to break. This is a phrase it is necessary to let go of in order to accomplish anything with Pathwalking. As I practice Pathwalking, I have found numerous old habits ingrained within my psyche that have held me back for most of my life, in one way or another. There are of course both good habits and bad habits.  So identifying whether the habit in question is a good one or a bad one is important. 

Pathwalking 48

Are you a lover or a fighter? As a Pathwalker, you will find that you need to be both. The pen may well be mightier than the sword, but sometimes the sharpness of the sword is what stands between you and your path. Let’s leave the metaphor and examine this notion more closely. Different jobs require different tools.  A pen will do you no good when you need a spoon, just as a rock is not very helpful when you

Pathwalking 47

Thank you. After “I am” these are probably the two most powerful words we can employ in our lives. And yet, we have a terrible habit of either under-using these words, or else using them without the corresponding feeling of gratitude. To say it is important.  But to feel it is even more important.  Gratitude is too powerful and too important to not be given the attention it deserves. I have talked about gratitude before, here.  And it never ceases

Pathwalking 46

While Pathwalking is a philosophy, Pathwalking is also the ultimate form of self help.  Why?  Because you and you alone are in control. I know many people who turn to various self-help gurus to find ways to do what I’ve been talking about here every week for the past eleven and a half months.  I myself have explored many of these, reading Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Bob Proctor’s You Were Born Rich, Spencer Johnson’s Who Moved