Pathwalking 7

What IS pathwalking, specifically, anyhow? It occurs to me that I haven’t yet explained what this is, and why I think it is so very important. The Australian Aborigines use the term ‘Walkabout’ to denote an adolescent journey through the wilderness as a rite of passage.  It has been borrowed in more common culture over the years to refer to a spiritual journey, often taking the form of some kind of physical adventure. Pathwalking, as I call it, is taking

Pathwalking 6

Not only is the path not straight – neither does it run smoothly and evenly. There are hills, dips, twists, turns, ruts and potholes.  There are points from which you can see the goal, only to be turned almost completely around.  And sometimes the path seems to leap across incredible distances, defying all logic. This is part of the overall frustration in trying to choose one’s own path.  I know what I want, I know how I want my life

Pathwalking 5

I am not my job.  My job does not define me. How many of us, along the path, fall into this trap?  I mean, our job is the place where we spend 7 – 12 of our waking hours A DAY.  It is very easy to let our job define us – and, as such, to define our path. Now for a lucky few, their job DOES define them – because is it a chosen part of their path. But

Pathwalking 4

Sometimes, you reach a crossroads. The path winds and wends, you see all sorts of oddities and sights and such, and then, all of a sudden, there is not a single path anymore.  There are a whole bunch of paths. Crossroads.  Ah yes, time for some more confusion. As we walk our path, we will inevitably come across this.  Not only is the path of life not straight, but it is also not singular. Choices effect which path we place

Pathwalking 3

There are good days, and bad days. Some days I feel excited.  I am exhilarated by the possibility the new day represents.  I am looking forward to what lies ahead.  I am ready for anything. And then, some days, I am exhausted.  My energy is sapped, my mind wanders easily.  I don’t want to do much beyond bum around, maybe sleep.  I can barely concentrate, I don’t want to think or do anything. Those days it is hard to stay

Thoughts on Taking Back our Government

What happened to us, America? I mean, seriously – when did the election cycle become so incredibly long, convoluted, and all-encompassing?  When do these ‘representatives’ actually have time to represent, between campaigning?  When did we get reduced to ONLY two parties, both of which are more-or-less wholly owned by their corporate overlords? There is a supposed ‘election’ in 10 months.  I say supposed because, really, what role do WE, the Average Americans, play?  We have, for the president, a choice

Pathwalking 2

Who am I? I have been asking myself this question since I was fairly young. And the answer has constantly changed. In elementary school, I was the teacher’s pet. I was more-or-less a straight ‘A’ student (except my elementary school didn’t use this grading scale) and did extra projects, worked for extra credit and LOVED school. I was an outsider, though. This was never more evident than amongst the other kids at Hebrew school, and in the local Jewish community

Pathwalking 1

How can I make a difference? This question comes up for me fairly often. I want to help other people see the world in the way that I see it. NOT in a ‘my way is the one true way’ idea at all. On the contrary – I want people to disagree with me. I want them to consider these words, and reject them if they disagree. I want them to think, to consider, to ponder their own view on

A New Year’s Idea – Action instead of Resolution

People often make resolutions for the new year.  I’m going to quit smoking.  I am going to the gym three days a week.  I will read a book a month.  I will make more time for mediation.  I am going to eat better.  And more often than not – the resolution seldom gets past a month before it becomes forgotten, neglected, or otherwise lost in the shuffle of day-to-day life. Paying a visit to, we see the meaning of

What can I do?

What can I do? This is the question a lot of us, I believe, are asking.  In the face of global warming/climate change, the NDAA, SOPA, atrocities committed in the name of God or money or government – what can I do? With open discrimination and hostility against women, homosexuals, Muslims, and stories of intolerance and acts of utter selfishness against people different from one another – what can I do? In the face of so much death, war, famine,