Pathwalking 60

Following my last couple of posts, I want to continue to examine the “six core human necessities”.  As suggested by Tony Robbins, these are certainty, uncertainty, significance, love and connection, growth, and contribution. Let’s take a closer look at significance (the need for feeling wanted and worthy), growth and contribution.  All of these come from within, and are core to everything we need in order to walk the paths of our choosing. Significance in particular is tricky.  Why?  Because often

Taking a stand

No offense, ladies, but this is a letter specifically to the rest of the members of my gender (but feel free to read on). Gentlemen, We need to take a stand.  It is time to stop letting a minority make the rest of us look like fools and idiots.  It is time to be heard. I am writing about these men who are working so hard to limit the rights of women.  I am talking about these crazy politicians and

Pathwalking 59

Though a paradox, it is postulated that we all need certainty and uncertainty in our lives. Following my last post, I want to further examine the “six core human necessities”.  As suggested by Tony Robbins, we all need certainty, uncertainty, significance, love and connection, growth, and contribution.  I agree with this notion, and believe that it ties into Pathwalking rather well. Certainty and uncertainty are respectively the need for stability/security and the need for variety.  The problem with this, of

Pathwalking 58

I want to share some guidance I have received as I have been walking my own path. Whether you consider him a visionary or a shyster, Tony Robbins has been an influential figure in the lives of a great many people over the last couple decades.  While I do not necessarily agree with everything he presents, he does more often than not seem to me to share my philosophy.  Consciousness creates reality: The core of Pathwalking. One thing Tony Robbins

Pathwalking 57

Pathwalking may be a singular choice…but that does not mean we have to go it alone. I have talked about people not understanding your path.  People not understanding the choices you make.  People trying to influence you as obstructions, not to help you.  But what I have not mentioned previously are the people along your path supporting you. Human beings are not meant to be alone.  We are, science tells us, social creatures.  We need friends, family, loved ones, even

A different perspective on the issue of guns

There is no short term solution to this problem.  Let’s just start right there. You cannot take away all the guns.  Period.  And for all of you thinking this is what will happen – IT WILL NOT.  Period.  It may become harder to acquire guns, but no one will be coming into your home to take yours away.  Let’s just start there. And just because the government will likely make it harder to get guns – let’s be real.  If

Pathwalking 56

While Pathwalking is a personal, singular choice, this does not mean that outside forces are wholly invalid. I often talk about not letting outside influences dissuade you from your path.  But sometimes those outside influences cannot be wholly ignored. Oh great.  Another paradox.  This is true, it IS another paradox.  But it can’t be ignored either.  And yes, this can be a complication in matters…but let me explain the thought process. Diets almost never work.  Limiting what you eat for

Being FOR the things you want in the world

Be FOR, not AGAINST, the things you want. I have observed that in the United States, we always seem to be on the defensive against things.  We are against drugs, against guns, against drunk driving, against hunger, against war, against against against. Why is this important?  Because consciousness creates reality.  Ergo, what you focus on is what you get. What does “against” mean, anyhow? defines it thus: a·gainst [uh-genst, uh-geynst]  (preposition) 1. in opposition to; contrary to; adverse or

Pathwalking 55

What about branching paths? How do you figure out if the branches are worth walking or need pruning off of your life paths? This was an excellent question asked following Pathwalking 53.  The answer is both extremely simple and potentially complex. As you walk your path, you will come across forks, branches, crossroads, and various and sundry obstacles.  How can you tell a diversion from a proper path?  How do you choose which is the way to go? Let’s break

Pathwalking 54

Do you know yourself? I have encountered far more people for whom the answer to that question is No, rather than Yes. What does that even mean? As a society, we have become extremely complacent about our lives.  I say over and over again that people too often just let life live them.  Get up in the morning, go to work, go home, veg in front of the TV a couple hours, go to bed.  Rinse, repeat.  We look to