
Privacy has become a major topic of conversation recently. More specifically, violations of privacy have been all over the media.  And the outrage is vocal and impressive. However, the blame, which everyone is trying to ascribe, really comes down to one place. Ourselves. After the events of 9/11/01, Americans allowed the government to take unprecedented actions in direct violation of our constitutional rights to “protect” us from terrorism.  And, this should come as no surprise, the US government extended and

Pathwalking 75

Life is a day by day experience. Every day brings with it something new, something different, something unique.  Every day presents a new challenge, a new opportunity, new duties and new privileges. How we approach each new day, right from the start, is going to have a major effect on the day’s outcome.  It is so very easy to forget this fact, and equally easy to let it drag us down to somewhere we would rather not be. If you

Pathwalking 74

Some days it feels utterly impossible to walk a path of my own choosing. There are days when the notion of living a life of my own choosing seems equally dissatisfying as letting life live me.  It just seems like too much work, too much effort, too much focus. I sit in front of my computer, pondering researching something or writing something or some other useful thing…and I have no desire.  Expending any effort seems like a struggle. I move

Pathwalking 73

We are all creators.  We live in the world we make. This is so very easy to disbelieve.  Circumstances put us in places we never wanted to be, and we don’t always live in the world we would make.  But the statement is still true. “If you will it, it is no dream.”  – Theodore Herzl I Pathwalk because I do not want to be a victim of circumstance, and I want to make my own world.  I want to

Pathwalking 72

Time factors into so very many aspects of our lives. So many of the things we do in our day are dictated to us by time.  There is a time to sleep, a time to wake, a time to eat, a time to work, a time to play, time for this, time for that. And of course, on the other side, there is a lack of time.  Running late, out of time, too late, the time is getting away from

Pathwalking 71

“Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Luck is an interesting topic.  Many people believe that it is luck, good or bad, that makes our lives. Luck of the draw.  Luck of the Irish.  Good luck.  Bad luck.  Lucky in love.  Unlucky in love. Pathwalking is about finding and making your own path in life.  Luck has nothing to do with this. Yes, I will not deny that sometimes it is

Pathwalking 70

One of the most often used phrases people throw around is “forgive, but don’t forget.”  While many are champions of applying this to others in their lives, this is somewhere many of us fail at when it comes to ourselves. Last week I talked about the “forgive” portion of this, but did not get into the “don’t forget” aspect.  To put it simply, the importance of forgiving without forgetting is to avoid repetition in errors. I can forgive myself for

Pathwalking 69

One of the most often used phrases people throw around is “forgive, but don’t forget.”  While many are champions of applying this to others in their lives, this is somewhere many of us fail at when it comes to ourselves. What do I mean by that?  We are good at forgiving but forgetting when others do wrong by us, but not so good at this with ourselves.  When it comes to our own mistakes, errors, stupidities and such, we are

Do not let them win

Do not let them win. Who are they?  They are the people who are against us.  They are the people who are working all the time to do whatever they can to change how we live, and more – to have us live in fear. This is not just about the horrid people who would set off bombs in public and murder innocents.  This is about the world in which we live, and our increasing willingness to sacrifice how we

Pathwalking 68

I want to walk my own path, but there are multiple goals I want to achieve.  How do I choose? While it is possible to head towards more than one goal at a time, I find it often necessary to prioritize.  Sometimes this is purely organizational, sometimes its to prevent putting the cart before the horse. An important thing we need to acknowledge and take into account before this discussion goes much further – Pathwalking is about the path.  The