The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Nobody Is Alone

Nobody is alone.

Everyone goes through rough times.  We all hit patches of discomfort, anger, sadness, loneliness.  But it is important you see that you are not, truly, alone.

Nobody is AloneLife can be a real struggle.  For some people, that struggle takes on a lot of elements that most people cannot see.  Mental illness is seldom, if ever, a thing you can simply “get over.”  It requires attention, it requires thought, and though it will feel like a lone struggle, the truth is that it is not.

Nobody is alone.

The number of suicides in the nation are going up, and they are not just nameless, faceless people.  They include celebrities and people who, on the outside, look to be successful and as if their life is pretty sweet.  Yet the inner demons they were fighting, at the end of the day, won.

I want to address this directly.  I have been struggling with depression for most of my life.  For almost my entire life I have had low self-esteem, believed myself unworthy and undeserving, unlovable, and a less-than-good person.

That’s my demons talking.  The inner brain squirrels.  The societal messages of lack and insufficiency feeding negativity, and my mind personalizing it is where this comes from.  Yup, I know it, I acknowledge it, but I still have to struggle with it.

There are a lot of different steps I take to keep this in check.  Exercise, specifically for me fencing in particular cancels it out.  Meditation lets me focus and reset myself.  Writing is therapy.  And I am not ashamed to admit I am on an antidepressant, too.

Even recognizing it and taking steps to combat it.  Knowing that I have a great support network, it can still feel overwhelming.

Nobody is alone.  You have support.

For me, even at my worst, I have never been suicidal.  Never came up in my mind as even being an option.

But for some people, it feels like the only way to be completely rid of the pain.  Pain is unpleasant enough…chronic pain is simply miserable.  But emotional pain, psychological pain are wrought from invisible wounds, and because of that, there are some who think this pain to be lesser.

You and I know that’s not true.  Pain is pain.  Whatever form it takes, unless you happen to be into that kind of kink, pain sucks.

There are a lot of you who are going through different degrees of pain right now.  Losing loved ones, coping with injuries and stress and a world seemingly descending into madness is disheartening.  The negativity around us often feels like a heavy down comforter.  Except instead of providing comfort, it’s suffocating, too hot, and finding the edge to get out from under it particularly challenging.

Nobody is alone.  You are not on your own going through this.  I am, too.  A lot of the people reading this are also going through it.  Together, we are here for each other.

No, we might not be physically near.  But the internet connects us across the whole world.  Most of us have smartphones and tablets and constant access.  Together, we are a support network, and we can be here for each other, so that nobody feels alone, and everyone knows there is someone you can turn to.

Doesn’t matter if we actually know one-another, I want you to know that I am an email away.  If you need to vent, if you need someone to just hear you out who understands, I am here for you.

Nobody is alone, and that includes you.

There is more support than not out there

It is my belief that we can all do this for one another.  In particular, those of us who are also going through this can provide for one another.

I believe that life is worth living.  Consciousness creates reality, and we can manifest virtually anything we put our thoughts, feelings, and intentional actions to.  Today might totally suck, but tomorrow is a new day, and as such holds possibility and opportunity.

You may not share this notion.  But I hope that if you feel hopeless, you will reach out to someone, whether it’s me or a close confidant, rather than take extreme actions.  You are valuable to this world.  Even when you don’t see if in yourself, you matter.

Nobody is alone.  You don’t have to suffer on your own.  You are worthwhile, deserving, and provide value to the world.  Truly, I care, and I want you to know that.

We’ve got this.  Let’s take on the world and make it a better place, together.

Finally – If you have run out of cope, and are considering taking your own life, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.  I hope you never need to do this, but if you do, it does not make you any less in my eyes.  You are still an amazing person.

Thank you, everyone, for being a part of my life.  I know I am not alone, and hope that you know the same.  Thank you.

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