The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

When You Look for Fault

When you look for fault you will find it because you expect it.

This weekend, The Rise of Skywalker came out. The 3rd movie of the 3rd Star Wars trilogy had a lot to live up to, and for many of us, it did.

Is it perfect? No. Does it live up to the spirit of the series? Hell yes. Many of my friends have seen it, and the vast majority agree it was a fun movie, worthy of the overall series.

faultSeveral people I know, however, have found and pointed to certain faults in the movie. Some, yeah, I can’t really disagree with, per se. But others…well, I think you may be reaching.

I am not denying anyone their point of view here, let me make that clear. But what I am saying is that since I think you were looking to find fault in this, you did.

One of the biggest issues I consider with anything I write is whether or not I may offend someone. I’m sure that nobody agrees with me 100% on any topic upon which I opine. But given the way things are today, and how easily people get offended, I exercise a lot of caution.

No matter the topic I present, I know some will disagree. That’s fine, you have a mind of your own, please make use of it, however it best serves you. I do my best to not give you anything to find fault with, nor to take offense at. But I know that since you are the only one inside your own head, thinking and feeling as you do, you could find something I say, write, or do to be offensive.

A fine line between fault and blame

I have a number of friends who identify within one minority or another. Some of these are racial, some nationality-specific, some religious, some gender-specific, and others.

In a lot of instances, this doesn’t amount to anything in particular. But once in a while, something happens where they find a cause that they feel a deep need to bring justice to.

I cannot, in many cases, judge these. The impact that they have on them is not necessarily something I will feel, nor fully understand. I will do my best to be supportive in whatever way I can.

There are, however, times when the need for social justice that comes out feels like either it was after a quest to find fault or to cast blame on a person, entity, or group. That’s not to say that they are necessarily wrong in the point they are working to make. However, the approach is negative, and that to me feels like a net gain in the negative, too.

I know that the world is imperfect. There are awful people doing and saying awful things. I am not defending anything…but…sometimes it feels like the anger, the indignation, and the social-justice quests are misplaced.

Because perfection is in the eye of the beholder, faults are going to exist. I am not suggesting they should be ignored, but sometimes the focus and attention they get is of no benefit to anyone. If I point out the numerous faults in all the Star Wars movies, books, comics, cartoons, and what-have-you…it will cease to be a source of joy and positivity.

When I blame someone for those faults that takes it even further out. Why? Because blame doesn’t fix a thing. It is evasion. Blame is a deflection from seeking a solution or seeking good.

Choose to seek and see good

When you look for fault you will find it because you expect it. So why not instead look for good?

Finding fault doesn’t do anything but point out flaws, imperfections, errors, and mistakes. So what? Great, you see them, you have pointed them out to us…now what?

find faultWhy not instead look for the good? Or if you do find fault, how about offering an alternative or a solution rather than expressing the fault and finding and/or placing blame?

Finding fault and placing blame does nothing but create and spread more negativity in a world with too much negativity already.

How you see the latest Star Wars movie may be different from how I see it. But why not use this cool fantasy world to find and build some positivity, rather than discover and spread more negativity?

Finding positivity isn’t hard, but it does require action

Knowing that you can choose to seek, find, and place blame for fault…or instead seek, find, and express positivity, you get to decide what your actions will be. When you look for fault you will inevitably find it, which helps nobody…but when you look for good and spread more of it that ultimately empowers you. When you feel empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that tends to spread to other people around you.

As such, you can build more positive feelings and discover more things to feel positivity and gratitude.

Gratitude leads to happiness. Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude. An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of positivity that begets even more good energies – and that, like you, is always worthwhile.

This is the three-hundred-seventh entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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