The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Do No Harm

Do no harm.

When you are walking whatever path you choose it should have no intentionally negative impact on anyone else.

do no harmWhatever paths you walk in life, you need to be mindful to do no harm. Truthfully, this should be easy.

Unfortunately, a lot of the examples of “success” that you see come with a deep, false narrative. This includes notions of shoving people out of the way (literally and figuratively); getting past, around, over, and through other people; “taking” opportunities away from someone else; relentlessness, hurt, and various other actions that likely caused mental and emotional distress in the process.

Anything that intentionally causes harm is not only bad for you and whomever you harm, but also for the state of the world. There are far too many examples of the “have’s” keeping down the “have nots”, people with “I got mine not enough for you” attitudes, and other examples of lack, scarcity, and insufficiency that are simply not the truth.

Whatever path you choose to achieve success for your life, when you do no harm you are coming from and moving to a place of abundance. That is where true success and achievement lie. Satisfaction, contentment, and the drive to do more also are a part of what conscious reality creation can make manifest for you.

Intent matters

I hate to go off on this tangent so early, but I want to get it out of the way. There is a big difference between intentional and unintentional harm.

The former you may believe to be necessary, and the price of whatever actions you are taking. The latter is the product of the thoughts and feelings of others, which you have zero control over.

If what you are doing will be harmful to another in some way, that’s intentional. You know that your action will cause harm to someone else in some form or another.

Yes, you might be making changes to your life that will leave some people behind, cause others to think you have changed in some way they dislike and could change your relationships. Those people may feel you have harmed them. But since that is based solely on how THEY feel, and you had no intention of causing harm, it is not the same. You cannot change how anyone else thinks or feels.

Now it is important to acknowledge that you might know that what you are doing will cause someone to feel hurt. When you change yourself, it is sometimes unavoidable that someone will react poorly to that. Even knowing the possibility of this, it is not the same as intentional harm.

How is it different? Because you are not intending to hurt someone, even knowing they might feel that way. You are not acting to cause them any harm, but you cannot stay the same just to appease them.

Why? Because it is your life, not theirs.

You can only live your own life, not that of anyone else. As such, you can’t help how someone else feels, particularly when you are striving to intentionally to do no harm.

Like attracts like

I have seen too much proof of this notion to disbelieve it. Whether or not you ascribe to the idea of the Law of Attraction, or karma for that matter, like attracts like.

It tends to be true that those who cause harm to others in order to achieve anything at all will fall. No matter how many slaves you take, in time you’ll have a rebellion on your hands. One way or another what you reap you will sow.

To truly do good for yourself you cannot, in the process, harm anyone else. What you give you will get back in return. Even the most powerful will lose their power if they have no gratitude and if they have done a great deal of harm to get where they are now.

Despite current examples, history doesn’t lie. The powerful, particularly those who have disempowered others to empower themselves, will be taken down. Like attracts like, and if you do harm you will be harmed eventually.

Besides, there really is ZERO reason to cause anyone else any hurt to choose and walk any path you may seek. Why? Because this is an abundant Universe.

Abundance is everywhere

The single largest lie in the world today is the artifice of lack and scarcity. These notions are used time and again to knock people down, keep people down, and use fear to empower a select few.

Don’t believe me? Take money as a perfect example. Given the current status of this idea, and I do mean idea, how can it possibly lack? Money is currency, and currency is energy. EVERYTHING is energy, and it can be neither created nor destroyed, just transmuted. Money only lacks if and when you believe it is lacking.

Coin and paper money is becoming increasingly rare. Even cards are being replaced with apps on your phone to send and receive currency. It cannot run out nor run low because it is literally energy being transmuted all the time.

Still, you and I are bombarded by messages of not enough money, witnessing hoarders deny money to other people, and using it as an excuse to take and take. Compare health care costs between the USA and almost any other country and tell me why the same surgery is $2000 in one country and $200,000 in the USA? Don’t tell me we have the best health care in the world – because that’s not true when people are made bankrupt to stay healthy.

Lack and scarcity are artificial. Abundance is the place where new things are found, created, and built, and from a place of abundance, you can do no harm. There is no need to take anything from anyone or deny them anything in order to have what you seek from your path in life.

Do no harm, get no harm

Finally, when you do no harm to any other you draw that to yourself. It may seem trivial, but it’s really not. In an abundant Universe, there is more than enough for everyone. So nothing you do should intentionally harm another just so you can advance.

Yes, unintentional harm may be unavoidable. This is because you have no control over how anyone else thinks or feels. Even knowing that your action may cause another to feel as though you intended to harm them, that’s not the same as intentional harm. This is because you have no control over the mindfulness of any other.

When you are walking whatever path you choose it should have no intentionally negative impact on anyone else. You can choose and walk any path without destroying, hurting, harming, or otherwise wounding anyone else.

How can you know this? Mindfulness. When you are aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions, you can influence, control, direct, and change them. You will know if your actions will intentionally be harmful to any other, and if they are you can choose to alter your path to do no harm.

Can you see why it is so important to do no harm?

This is the four-hundred and sixteenth entry in the Pathwalking series. These weekly posts are ideas for, and my personal experiences with, walking along the path of life to consciously create reality. I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way. I also desire to empower myself and my readers with conscious reality creation.

Thank you for joining me. Feel free to re-blog and share this.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available here. My additional writing works, both fiction and non-fiction, are available here.

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