The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

I Get to Choose How to Feel Today

How I will feel today is up to me

It is totally my decision whether positivity or negativity will prevail.

Every single day is new and different from the day before. No matter how much of a routine you may have, no two days are alike.

feel todayWhy does that matter? Because it means that every day is a choice. How you will feel today is wholly and entirely up to you to decide.

Frankly, I think that’s awesome. Why? Because if yesterday sucked, or was otherwise not how I would have liked it to be, I can choose to not let today suck. If I felt lousy yesterday I can decide how I want to feel today.

Believe it or not, you have the ability to choose how to feel. I know that totally looks to be a lie, but it’s really not. This is a matter of mindfulness.

Deciding how you will feel

Consciousness creates reality, and that is by employing mindfulness. Mindfulness is working with awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and actions in the here and now.

Things happen all the time that will cause you to feel a certain way. A coworker makes a stupid mistake, a loved one hurts you, that jerk paying no attention to the road sideswiped you, you tripped and broke a bone, and so forth. Yes, you are going to feel negative, and that is totally natural and frankly necessary.

Life is a paradox of extremes. That’s why it is possible to feel both hopeful and hopeless, thrilled and scared, content and uncertain all at the same time. You cannot, and frankly should not, be without negativity. It is a danger signal, your spidey-sense telling you that something’s not right.

Without negative feelings about things, you may not be aware that things need to change. That’s a part of human nature.

The problem with negativity comes from holding onto it. When you allow the negativity to linger and dictate your life experiences, like a leech or a bandage on a hairy leg it clings easily and can be hard to remove.

That is why it is a choice. If you feel bad today that doesn’t mean you need to feel bad tomorrow, or for all of eternity going forward. The choice is up to you.

Making use of mindfulness for how you feel today

When you practice mindfulness of your thoughts and feelings, you get to choose if you want them to remain as they are. It is perfectly valid and necessary to feel negative feelings, but allowing negativity to root itself into your psyche can be problematic.

For example, I received an email back in July about a foreign magazine wanting to review my latest book, You Are Amazing. I was skeptical but super-excited. I sent them a PDF of the story and waited to receive word of my review and a boost in sales therein.

It is almost the end of September now, and I haven’t seen a boost in sales nor received word of the review. My emails questioning this have gone unanswered.

feel todayI am bummed, a bit hurt, and frustrated that this has gone nowhere. However, I get to choose if I will allow that negativity to hold on, and potentially spiral into a delightful “Woe-is-me-I-suck-fest,” or decide to release it and press on with completing the second You Are Amazing book.

I am pleased to report that I am releasing it and moving on. I am choosing how to feel today, and rather than be annoyed, irked, upset, or otherwise dog-paddling in an ocean of negativity I am going to choose to find positivity and do more writing.

You get to choose positivity or negativity through practicing mindfulness. If you felt negative yesterday how would you like to feel today?

Finding positivity is not hard, but it does require mindfulness

Knowing you can choose how to feel today, you get to make a decision about whether you seek out positivity or negativity in what you do. When you use mindfulness to be aware of your thoughts and feelings here and now, you gain influence and control over your mindset that ultimately empowers you. When you feel empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that tends to spread to other people around you.

As such, you can build more positive feelings and discover more things to feel positivity and gratitude.

Gratitude leads to happiness. Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude. An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of positivity that begets even more good energies – and that, like you, is always worthwhile.


This is the two-hundred and ninety-second entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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