The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

The Meaning of Life is to Live   

But what does it mean to live? You are here. Maybe your life is good, maybe not. You might be having a great day, an awful day, or simply a “meh” day. Things happening now or ahead might be incredible, or they might be scary. You are here. Anything is possible from one extreme to the other and everywhere in between. Are you just going through the motions? Does your rote and routine dominate your life? Or are you having

Life’s Choices and Decisions Are Yours to Make

There are always choices and decisions being made. According to multiple sources, human beings make over 30,000 choices A DAY. That is a lot of choices. But for the most part, you don’t make them consciously. Let’s face it, if you did, I think you’d probably go mad. Thirty-thousand-plus choices, per day, add up fast. That means that in a 30-day month, you make 900,000 choices. Hence, per year you’re making more than 11 million choices. It’s a very good

How are Gratitude, Mindfulness, and Positivity Linked?

Gratitude leads to mindfulness and empowers you to do almost anything. Distraction is everywhere that you turn. The internet and social media, while great means to learn and grow, are also dangerously distracting and disruptive. I can’t tell you how many times a brief glance at Facebook has turned into 10-30 minutes of mindless scrolling. Text messages, email, radio, TV, and other instantly accessible information sources can take you on a tangent before you fully grasp how distracted you are.

Why Is It Usually Easier Said than Done?

I’m striving to live one day at a time as best I can. I’ve been writing about positivity every Monday for more than 10 years. I’m frequently exploring new paths to positivity, new ways to view it, different perspectives on what it is and isn’t, and more. There are three reasons why I share these ideas. The third is often the most challenging. In the face of being only human and reacting to matters that come up personally and impersonally,

It’s Good That Today is Just Another Day

It sure beats the alternative. Life can be confusing. Moments of amazing, moments of awfulness. Good things and bad things are happening with little or no fanfare. It’s utterly unpredictable. Today could be a holiday. Or it could be a weekend. Perhaps today is a day you’ve looked forward to with excitement, or today could be a day that you’ve long dreaded. Anything is possible. No matter what your perspective is, no matter what day it is as you’re reading

Why Is Reason the True Opposite of Fear?

Fear is frequently weaponized to be unreasonable. All opposites, like positivity and negativity, black and white, good and evil, are extremes. They’re not, as most would suggest, opposite sides of a coin. That’s because the space between them isn’t so thin as the edge of a coin, but far broader, making it more akin to a cylinder. To clarify. Let’s take black and white. On one side of the cylinder, there’s black. The other side of the cylinder is white.

What If Normal is the Illusion?

Maybe normal and normalcy are what’s truly weird in the world. People are always bombarded by the idea of being “normal”. Like this concept is what makes the world go ‘round. I tried, in my 20s and 30s, to be normal. I took jobs from 9-5 in various industries that were considered normal and necessary. Each of which tended to crush my soul. Corporate America and I did not see eye to eye. My attempts to work a normal job

You’re Only Competing With Yourself

You can always win this competition. Everywhere you look, there’s competition. Every election, sport, game, and contest focuses on competing. Win the election, finish first, make the most impressive meal, and outperform the others so you can be the best, most recognized, ultimate winner. There are plenty of contests out there where it’s all about competing. Yet, aside from such intentional competitions, you’re not in competition with anyone else for anything. Let me repeat that for those in the cheap

It’s Bad, But How Bad Is It?

It certainly feels bad, but all is not as it seems. It’s impossible not to recognize that things are bad in many ways for many people. On a big-picture level, there’s the awfulness of the current state of the Israel/Palestine dispute, the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, a United States Supreme Court that cares more about the religious beliefs of a few over science, not to mention a candidate for President who should be in prison for a lot of

The Gratitude Of and From Giving

Tangible or intangible, giving powers positivity. About every 6 months or so, my wife and I purge our space. I come from a long line of pack rats. Not hoarders, nobody lives in piles of utterly useless junk. Pack rats. Both sides of my immediate family – my mom and stepdad and my dad and stepmom – have a lot of stuff. Some, of course, is useful stuff. Other stuff, however, is either sentimental, valuable but not useful, or a