The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Right and Wrong Are Perceptional Constructs

They don’t necessarily mean what you think they mean. One of society’s most fascinating and terrifying truths is that it has an incessant need for over-simplification. Everything is increasingly shunted to one extreme or the other. The truth, however, is that nearly everything genuinely exists in grey and colored areas between any and all given extremes. Most people live their lives between black and white, fat and thin, wise and foolish, and every other extreme you can name. Even positivity and

One Size Never Fits All

Who are you doing that for? Whose life is it anyway? The balance between living to work and working to live is precarious. Has it always been this way? No. But “they” want you to believe that it’s always been this way AND you can’t change it. For example, after COVID lockdowns, work from home became a lot more popular. All the stories that those who work from home are way less productive were utterly disproven. Yet, here we are,

You Never Know How the Day Will Go

You choose if that’s a source of comfort, joy, fear, or trepidation. Everybody has bad days. That’s how the world works. Shit happens. Random happenstance comes to pass. The best-laid plans might go brilliantly or horrifically. And there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. There are so many factors that can and will impact you every day. Weather, traffic, the whims of other people, the passage of time, and way more things than I care to list

You Can Turn That Off and/or Put It Down

The power of disconnecting the tech that equally divides and connects us. Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Ever feel like there are too many connections, too many demands on your attention, and an endless sense of go-do-go? Do you ever feel like you can’t get away and you seldom find peace? I do. It’s not an all-the-time, highly regular occurrence. But there are plenty of times when I’ve felt if I didn’t stay connected or made time to check on

What Does it Really Mean to Let Go?

Recognize and acknowledge how you might be holding yourself back. It’s far too easy to hold onto negative intangibles. Hurts, fears, hatred, anger, distress, sadness, and on and on. Part of life is that shit happens, and you have no control over vast swaths of this. There are lots of books, speakers, and articles about why you should let go. Letting go releases you from that pain and suffering. It’s a seemingly simple concept that is surprisingly difficult to work

You Can Always Choose to Give Up

But where’s the fun in that? Life can be hard. Some days, you probably wonder why you even bothered getting out of bed. I know I feel that way sometimes. Everyone has days where it feels like no matter what you do, you are behind, failing, losing ground, and/or otherwise struggling. No matter what you do, how much you give, all the ways that you try, it feels pointless and not very worthwhile. The truth of the matter – of

How Does Positivity Build and Empower You?

Non-toxic positivity is an essential tool of creativity that empowers you. You are a creative being. It doesn’t matter if you’re an artist or not. You’re a creative being. The nature of creation is so broad and vast that it boggles the mind. Yes, the arts and all the elements of them are the ultimate form of creation, but they aren’t any better or more powerful than any other form creation takes. Making the perfect cup of coffee or tea

How to Be The Change

Take control of what you can, in truth, control. Grocery shopping today was not fun. Granted, for some people, this is always a chore and never fun. I, however, enjoy perusing the aisles, both getting what I came for and sometimes discovering something on sale that might be good (uniquely flavored seltzers, for example). Why wasn’t it fun? Because people were being rude. Some were intentional, just pushing past and giving sour looks. Others were utterly oblivious. Zero situational awareness,

Why is Comparison the Thief of Joy?

Because you set yourself up to experience suffering that way. Comparison is the thief of joy because it’s endless. There is always someone or something you can compare yourself to. That person has it better than you. Those people look better than you do. Their home/car/yard is nicer than yours. Comparison will always find someone for you to see and feel less than. Similarly, comparison can make you feel superior to others. But that comes with a price, because if

Positivity in Politics Again

A perfect example of why we all need positivity. While I was away on vacation, Kamala Harris chose her running mate. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. A whitey-white guy with an impressive record, morality, progressive stances on equality and rights for all, and a clear sense of humor. For the first time in a decade of some of the most partisan, ugly, awful politics I think anyone has ever seen, here’s a force of positivity. A genuine, positive, pleasant force for