The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Does Positivity Build and Empower You?

Non-toxic positivity is an essential tool of creativity that empowers you. You are a creative being. It doesn’t matter if you’re an artist or not. You’re a creative being. The nature of creation is so broad and vast that it boggles the mind. Yes, the arts and all the elements of them are the ultimate form of creation, but they aren’t any better or more powerful than any other form creation takes. Making the perfect cup of coffee or tea

How to Be The Change

Take control of what you can, in truth, control. Grocery shopping today was not fun. Granted, for some people, this is always a chore and never fun. I, however, enjoy perusing the aisles, both getting what I came for and sometimes discovering something on sale that might be good (uniquely flavored seltzers, for example). Why wasn’t it fun? Because people were being rude. Some were intentional, just pushing past and giving sour looks. Others were utterly oblivious. Zero situational awareness,

Why is Comparison the Thief of Joy?

Because you set yourself up to experience suffering that way. Comparison is the thief of joy because it’s endless. There is always someone or something you can compare yourself to. That person has it better than you. Those people look better than you do. Their home/car/yard is nicer than yours. Comparison will always find someone for you to see and feel less than. Similarly, comparison can make you feel superior to others. But that comes with a price, because if

Positivity in Politics Again

A perfect example of why we all need positivity. While I was away on vacation, Kamala Harris chose her running mate. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. A whitey-white guy with an impressive record, morality, progressive stances on equality and rights for all, and a clear sense of humor. For the first time in a decade of some of the most partisan, ugly, awful politics I think anyone has ever seen, here’s a force of positivity. A genuine, positive, pleasant force for

5 Ways to Quickly Generate Non-Toxic Positivity

Everyone prefers to feel good over feeling bad. Finding positivity is about learning/discovering ways to feel okay, calm, centered, and good. Yet you and I live in a fear-based society that feeds on a steady diet of negativity. Fear is a tool employed by many different leaders, so-called leaders, demagogues, celebrities, and the like to keep people in line. Similarly, sensationalism sells and gets more clicks on social media. This can make it appear to be far easier to live

You’re Not a Bad Person and Nobody Hates You

Unless you intentionally withhold kindness, compassion, empathy, and hurt/harm others. Everybody has their own beliefs, values, and habits. No two people think absolutely, perfectly alike, or in sync. Opinions are like assholes, so everybody has one (unlike assholes they frequently have more than one). Concepts of good and bad are fluid and ever-evolving. Today’s good guy is tomorrow’s villain and vice versa. People change. The pendulum swings in both directions. It’s very easy to get caught up in all the

You’re Not The Only One Who Feels That Way

It helps everyone to recognize and acknowledge this truth. I think it’s quite obvious that we’re in the middle of a massive mental health crisis (and for the sake of brevity I’m putting mental, emotional, and spiritual all under the aegis of mental health). This is especially true in the United States. First, there was a narcissistic President elected (Trump) who induced anxiety and caused division in ways we’re still dealing with (especially with him somehow running for reelection despite

Everybody Wants Kindness, Compassion, and Empathy

They are not, contrary to popular belief, scarce or lacking. Sometimes it feels like it’s all spinning out of control. I like to think that I’m a reasonable, thoughtful person. So how come it feels like I’m few and far between among people? First, there’s an important truth to consider. Bad news sells. Keeping the narrative negative puts eyes on websites, attracts viewers and readers, and makes the owners of the parent companies money. In truth, this is mostly thanks

You Can’t Turn Off Your Brain

You can, however, change your mind. One of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to meditation is that you need to turn off your brain. Quiet the mind, silence the chatter, and so on. This is, of course, almost impossible to do. Sure, you can get some peace and solitude of mind for a time. But you can’t turn off your brain. The meditation that I practice is mindfulness meditation. I know, as such, that my brain is going to

You Can’t Make Them Understand

But you can be understanding and have an impact that way. People can change. But only if they desire to. When they don’t, they won’t. Sometimes you’re forced to change. Circumstances utterly outside of your control force change. A fire burning your home to the ground changes where you live, getting fired or laid off changes where you work, being dumped changes who you have a relationship with, and the like. You can’t do jack shit about these. They happen,