The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Find The Good In Yourself First

You are a good, worthy, and deserving person. The world appears – on many levels – to be going truly mad. Every week, writing about positivity, I always manage to find something to write about. But that doesn’t mean it’s not especially challenging. Looking at the outside picture of the world at present is deeply frustrating, distressing, and too close a look can be depressing. Despite my attempts to spend less time on social media – a serious harbinger of

Give Up, Push Through, Or Find Another Way?

No matter the obstacles, you always have a choice. Life is seldom simple. Very rarely do you get to go from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’ smoothly and obstacle free. And every time you come across challenges and obstacles in your life, you can give up, push through, or try another way. That doesn’t always feel true. There are plenty of times when it feels like you’re stuck, trapped, and without recourse. The trouble is, you always have choices –

Do You Take/Make Time to Do What/Be With Who You Love?

Life is too short not to do what/be with who you love. Not to be morbid – but you never know how long you have here. Life in the meatsuits we each occupy is finite. These bodies have – ideally – about 80 years of active life. That is, unfortunately, the ideal. The reality is that we might – for numerous reasons outside our control – have far less time. In the past 6 months, I’ve lost 2 friends to

Does Genuine Positivity Help with Overcoming Overwhelm?

A positive approach can help you overcome overwhelm on many levels. You and I live in a world that’s frequently overwhelming. I stopped watching the news and reading news websites in depth because it made me feel awful. So many terrible things happening out there. And worst of all – the vast majority of them I can do little to nothing about. What about the things I do and the people I spend time with? Also tricky, because there are

What if Positivity is a Choice of Attitude – Not A Cure-All?

Toxic positivity ruins positivity’s true power to better your life. Positivity, in its truest, most genuine form, is a good and healthy attitude. It sparks productivity, creativity, and can be part of an overall sense of wellbeing. In and of itself, positivity is a constructive, good force for living without fear and combating artificial lack, scarcity, and the like. Unfortunately, genuine positivity is not the only form. Many have emphasized toxic positivity over the genuine article. Toxic positivity has been

Trigger Warning: Do You Control Your Triggers or Do They Control You?

What I’m exploring here might upset people with various triggers. But please read on. I’m all for warning about content. Some people have sensitivities that should be acknowledged and addressed as such. I think it’s good to be sensitive to this. Now I’m going to get controversial. Some people will do everything in their power to avoid their triggers. I get that, I really do. I have some triggers, too. But this becomes problematic because avoiding triggers allows them to

Must Everyone Celebrate Anniversaries and the Like?

When you celebrate you generate positivity – but this is about you and not anyone else. My father and stepmother got married in 1983. I was 11 years old and remember much of the event. Despite using their anniversary for a long-lost combination lock – I nearly always forget to wish them a happy anniversary. My mom and stepdad got married in 1994. I was 21 years old and remember the small ceremony at the synagogue. While I can tell

How is the Unusual More the Usual Than the Unusual?

Who decides usual from unusual, anyhow? I have never been called normal. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Being unusual is my usual. As a kid, I was different from those around me on many levels – both physically and emotionally. As a teen, because of where I grew up, I was a good head shorter than most of the other boys my age. Unusual tended to be an apt descriptor for me. Like most teens and twenty-somethings, I

Do You Have Some Days You Feel Like You’re Living a Lie?

I believe that everyone has some days like this. Who in the hell am I? That’s the question, isn’t it? Who are you? Then, because that question alone isn’t sufficient, where, how, and why also get tossed into the mix. Everyone makes choices every day. Some are small and largely automatic. Some are huge with massive effects/affects and/or consequences. Whatever the case might be, you will have both good days and bad days. Among these, some good days are life-changing,

Care to Know Why I Believe the World Needs More Genuine Positivity?

Because positivity is an attitude that can create empowering change for everyone. Why did I start writing about Positivity every week over 9 years ago? Because one Monday, I noticed that every single post from all my friends on social media was negative. Everyone was either expressing concern about ongoing problems in the world at large, personal issues, hatred of Monday and the work week, and so on. A wave of negativity that was akin to sinking to the bottom

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