The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

When It Feels Like It All Sucks, Can You Find Positivity Anywhere?

Yes, but it probably won’t feel all that positive. If you’re reading this, chances are that today feels like a really awful day. Let’s be honest. A terrible, unkind, hateful, spiteful bigot is swearing an oath we all know he can’t and won’t uphold today. The future of the United States, and the world, feels incredibly, frighteningly uncertain. Even his supporters are feeling the misery, negativity, and depression. He carries it like a badge of honor and doesn’t give a

Empathy is Not the Same as Sympathy

The world needs more empathy, not more sympathy. I write a lot about how kindness, compassion, and empathy are desired by everyone, everywhere. In fact, there is not a person on the entire planet who doesn’t desire these. It occurred to me that people often mistake empathy and sympathy. This is a hugely important distinction to make because empathy serves to make connection where sympathy creates disparity. The difference is simple. Empathy involves recognizing, connecting, sharing, and striving for understanding.

Be Who You Need

You’re more powerful and capable than you realize. Human beings are social creatures. Even the most introverted people still need people (just fewer, more specific people). How you need people in your life is extremely variable. Sometimes it’s simply about knowing someone is there in some way. Other times, you need someone to shoot the shit with. Sometimes you need reassurance, validation, encouragement, or some other external recognition/acknowledgment. Still other times, you need literal assistance from another person. Lots of

Don’t Let Them Win By Making You Negative

Find and/or create positivity in the face of ongoing insanity. One of the most distressing things about 2024 coming to an end is what we can expect in 2025. Specifically, the incoming US administration and all the bullshit, fear, and uncertainty they’re bringing to the table. Even those who gave their support to this insanity are uncertain what it will mean. This is making it increasingly easy to be fearful, distressed, and negative. There is no telling what will happen.

Asking for Help Does NOT Make You Weak

The power and positivity of kindness, compassion, and empathy It can be difficult to ask for help. This is especially challenging now when so many forces equate asking for help as a weakness, unbecoming, and something to be avoided. That’s simply not true. Asking for help does NOT make you weak. What it does is make you open to receive kindness, compassion, and empathy. I don’t care who you are or what your circumstances might be. You have an innate

You Choose Your People

You get to choose who you give pieces of your head, heart, and soul to. There isn’t a damned thing you can do about “them.” Them? Those people. The ones making all the surreal, ludicrous choices. Those people who deny science, believe lies, and accept things as true that aren’t. You can’t do anything about them. This is deeply disheartening. On the one hand, you probably want to believe that people are inherently good. I know that I do. But,

Judgment Does Nobody Any Good        

Being judgy is easy but, like blame, fixes nothing. Spend any time whatsoever reading or watching the news or browsing social media, and you will see example after example after example of judgment. Some of it is meant to point out problems and place the blame where, admittedly, it belongs. Other elements of judgment come from seeing some less-than-ideal people receive their comeuppance. Sometimes it’s a matter of seeing what someone else is going through and either judging yourself better

Positivity and Positive Thinking Are Not the Same

This is massively important to understanding empowerment. It is very easy to confuse positivity with positive thinking. They are not, however, at all the same. Positive thinking is, frankly, one-dimensional. It is thought and thought alone, and lacking all other elements of conscious awareness. Why does that matter? Because to practice mindfulness, and make any real use of positivity, you need to include more than just thought. You need feeling, intent, approach, and action, too. What’s more, a great deal

The Power Of Not Worrying About What They Think

You can’t control what they think, can you? When I was a child, my parents got divorced. Because I was an especially sensitive child, this made me question my fault in my parent’s separation. Despite therapy, I managed to cut myself off from a large number of emotions until many, many years later. I was a ginormous geek as a child. FYI – this has not changed at all, I’m still a ginormous geek. This, coupled with my Jewish heritage

How Not To Let The Haters Win

Kindness, Compassion, Empathy, Hope, Positivity, and other tools. Many people are feeling uncertain, concerned, and afraid right now. After the US election, a party that has shown very little morality, ethics, or basic human decency is poised to control all three branches of the government. They have laid out an ugly, hateful, disturbing set of plans and roadmaps that will potentially marginalize, disempower, and take away fundamental rights in the guise of false morality and other bullshit. Many people are

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