The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Your Choices and Decisions Are Everything

Your life is made up of the choices and decisions you do and don’t make. No matter what anyone else tells you, you have the ultimate decision-making power for your life. Nobody else can make you be anyone you don’t desire to be. However, there are circumstances that will interfere. All of them are outside of you. For example, given the current political climate in the USA, you might be enby and unable to be your true self at work.

Can You Choose to Shift Your Perspective?

Yes, because your perspective is yours to control. Have you ever watched a movie or TV show and wondered why they chose to shoot the scene at the angle they did? Did you experience an overwhelming desire for them to tilt the angle of the shot in one direction or another, zoom in or out, and otherwise change the perspective? The problem with this is that you can’t change the perspective that was chosen unless you tilt your head a

You Feel What You Feel When You Feel It

Feelings are valid even when they don’t make sense. We live in perhaps the most confounding, incredible, infuriating times imaginable. The human race is connected in ways never before imagined with little to no delay. However, as part of the tools that offer us such amazing connection, humans are more disconnected than ever. This is in part due to confirmation bias being weaponized alongside fear. You’re right that it all sucks and you should blame “them” for it. Because of

They Only Win if You and I Let Them Win

History is not on their side. People do not do well with change. This is especially true when change is swift and feels sudden. The world has, arguably, changed more in the last 100 years than at any other time in history. Arguably, the biggest change is in communications and connectivity. A hundred years ago, you maybe knew what was happening across the state. That is, if you were one of the 20% of the people who had a radio.

When It Feels Like It All Sucks, Can You Find Positivity Anywhere?

Yes, but it probably won’t feel all that positive. If you’re reading this, chances are that today feels like a really awful day. Let’s be honest. A terrible, unkind, hateful, spiteful bigot is swearing an oath we all know he can’t and won’t uphold today. The future of the United States, and the world, feels incredibly, frighteningly uncertain. Even his supporters are feeling the misery, negativity, and depression. He carries it like a badge of honor and doesn’t give a

Empathy is Not the Same as Sympathy

The world needs more empathy, not more sympathy. I write a lot about how kindness, compassion, and empathy are desired by everyone, everywhere. In fact, there is not a person on the entire planet who doesn’t desire these. It occurred to me that people often mistake empathy and sympathy. This is a hugely important distinction to make because empathy serves to make connection where sympathy creates disparity. The difference is simple. Empathy involves recognizing, connecting, sharing, and striving for understanding.

Be Who You Need

You’re more powerful and capable than you realize. Human beings are social creatures. Even the most introverted people still need people (just fewer, more specific people). How you need people in your life is extremely variable. Sometimes it’s simply about knowing someone is there in some way. Other times, you need someone to shoot the shit with. Sometimes you need reassurance, validation, encouragement, or some other external recognition/acknowledgment. Still other times, you need literal assistance from another person. Lots of

Don’t Let Them Win By Making You Negative

Find and/or create positivity in the face of ongoing insanity. One of the most distressing things about 2024 coming to an end is what we can expect in 2025. Specifically, the incoming US administration and all the bullshit, fear, and uncertainty they’re bringing to the table. Even those who gave their support to this insanity are uncertain what it will mean. This is making it increasingly easy to be fearful, distressed, and negative. There is no telling what will happen.

Asking for Help Does NOT Make You Weak

The power and positivity of kindness, compassion, and empathy It can be difficult to ask for help. This is especially challenging now when so many forces equate asking for help as a weakness, unbecoming, and something to be avoided. That’s simply not true. Asking for help does NOT make you weak. What it does is make you open to receive kindness, compassion, and empathy. I don’t care who you are or what your circumstances might be. You have an innate

You Choose Your People

You get to choose who you give pieces of your head, heart, and soul to. There isn’t a damned thing you can do about “them.” Them? Those people. The ones making all the surreal, ludicrous choices. Those people who deny science, believe lies, and accept things as true that aren’t. You can’t do anything about them. This is deeply disheartening. On the one hand, you probably want to believe that people are inherently good. I know that I do. But,

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