The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 197

Hindsight is not always twenty-twenty. We often look to the past, look to what has come before, and we think we see it in perfect clarity, now, after all that has occurred. But in truth, more often than we probably realize, hindsight gets colored by nostalgia, by wistfulness, by a sense that it was oh-so-good and can’t ever be that good again, but it really should be. The past is past. Period. What was is done, gone, and no more.

Pathwalking 196

Energy is the root of everything. Everything you can see, touch and experience begins with energy. That is what we are at our ultimate core; this is what everything in the universe begins with. Because of this fact, energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it simply changes form. Some forms are visible, some are not. Energy can be transmuted and manipulated to achieve different things at various times, but is always present. Science explains the universe in this manner.

Pathwalking 195

What am I afraid of? How come I constantly find myself uncertain, unsure and lost? Why can’t I break out of this pattern? I know how this goes, and yet I still find that I cannot get out of my own way. I am afraid I will disappoint. I am afraid of disapproval. I am afraid of letting people down. I am afraid to succeed. I am afraid to fail. Fear is the loudest message being broadcast to us. Every

Pathwalking 194

How do your beliefs effect the paths you are walking? Short answer – considerably. Long answer – what do you believe? First and foremost, this has NOTHING to do with religious, faith or spiritual beliefs. This is all about the specific beliefs we hold when it comes to ourselves, our lives, and our understanding of how the Universe works. What we believe is often tied into what we think we do and don’t know, and how we are feeling. Unfortunately,

Pathwalking 193

Why have you chosen the path you are on? Whether or not you are consciously Pathwalking, why have you chosen whatever path you are on? This is a surprisingly important question that all-too-often gets waylaid. We know there are paths we want to walk in life, but why do we want to walk them? Pathwalking is about choosing your own destiny. It is about taking control over your life and finding what makes you happy. Because, when all is said

Pathwalking 192

Today is my birthday. My birthday is my personal New Year’s Day. So what? What does that have to do with Pathwalking? If this is the start of a new year, then it is the perfect opportunity to set new actions to take. I have written before that I do not believe in New Year’s resolutions, but rather New Year’s actions. Resolving is a passive concept, while taking action is direct. It is through one of my first new year’s

Pathwalking 191

Do you have a tendency to second-guess yourself? I do. It has often been, as far as I can tell, one of the main causes of my indecisive moments. I make a decision, sure…but then I second guess it. Pathwalking is about choosing a path and making your own way. I have the idea, I have the notion I know what I want to do with the given path. But…but what if I have it all wrong? It was recently

Pathwalking 190

More than once I have reiterated that no one but you can choose your own path. For some people this is really easy. They just KNOW without any doubts who they are and what they want to be. They answer whatever calling they receive – whether it’s to be a doctor, a member of clergy, a pro athlete, an artist, a teacher and so on. For some, they go where they are pointed. Someone at some point told them that

Pathwalking 189

One of the largest obstacles any Pathwalker will come across is depression. Today we are going to explore a new avenue, because I am not sure it gets the attention it deserves. Depression afflicts FAR more people than anyone realizes. The first and most important thing to recognize here is that none of us who suffer depression are alone. All of us experience different reactions and have different triggers, but depression is a lot more common than I think most

Pathwalking 188

As you are reading this, I am on vacation. One of the things I am doing on this vacation is to relax, reset, release negativity and work on finding and walking the Path I most desire. Yes, I have a reasonably good idea of what paths I wish to be on with my life. I know what my intentions are, and I know what I want to create for my life. I have, over the past few months in particular,

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