The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Just Live. You Have No True Control of Anything

This is an amazingly empowering realization. Life is unexpected and uncertain. No two days are alike. Similar, maybe, but not the same. Change is the only constant in the Universe. That’s because the Universe and everything in it is impermanent. Buddhism takes a deep look into the nature of impermanence. But outside the Buddhist way, it’s often disregarded, ignored outright, or denied. You strive to create things permanent and enduring, as does everyone. The reality is that nothing is permanent.

How Does “Be Here Now” Connect You to Mindfulness?

The only time that’s real, where you have any control at all, is now. Right now, this moment, is the only place in time that’s actually, factually, real. The past has come and gone. The future is yet to unfold. Only the now is real. Only this moment can be lived and experienced consciously. Lots of people try to go back to the past. They want to return to a time that they remember. Of course, their memory of that

You Choose to Buy Into the Fear or Not

When you recognize this, you gain more control and empower yourself. Fear is the ultimate drug. It’s more pervasive than anything illicit or prescription you can acquire. It’s everywhere you turn, and often so innocuous that it’s right in front of you but hidden in plain sight. Sometimes it’s made cutesy with phraseology like FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). It’s often used to sell you anything and everything from beer to cars to services. Buy this, that, or the other

Am I In An Open Cell But Unable to Leave It?

This is all about trauma, change, and the reality of what comfort zones are. Life is crazy. So much is happening out there, is it any wonder we’re all losing our minds? Here’s my personal dilemma. My therapist and I have seen numerous ways that I’ve improved my life. Overall, I’m in a really good place. Yet, for some reason, I feel stuck. The reason? Because somewhere in the back of my brain, I feel like I’m missing something. What

“They” Don’t Care About You and Me

Mindfulness empowers you and me to care and make real change in the world. Big business. Government. Religion. Each of these entities, separately and combined, are the “they” of the world around you and me. Each uses money, fear, faux-power, influence, and the bully pulpit to sway you and me to their ideals, buy their products, elect their officials, accept their morality, and the like. This is both subtle and blatant. Big business tends to be blatant, utilizing advertising to

Communication Is Never Just Words

Communication styles vary in many ways. It’s never just the words you use. Even the written word can convey a degree of tone, intent, and attitude. Communication is a complex mechanism of expression employed to convey ideas. It’s how you and I can share notions, agree and disagree, and expand (or, frankly, shrink) our overall knowledge base. Communication can be both internal and external. When you are thinking about this, that, or the other thing, you’re communicating in your head.

How Do Your Choices and Decisions Make You, You?

Why are choices and decisions so powerful? You’re bombarded with frequent, loud, often overwhelming messages about conformity. Do this, be that, follow the herd, or get voted off this island Earth. Contribute as expected or be judged as lacking, wanting, and less-than. Formal schooling is all about learning how to learn for the first 6 years or so. Then you start applying that to the actual gaining of knowledge but to a lesser degree. Facts, figures, and things necessary to

You Might Get Broken, But You Won’t be Beaten

Not unless you give up or choose to give in to suffering. Life is unpredictable in so many ways. One moment, everything can be dark, distressing, and deeply unpleasant. Then, the next moment, it can be brilliant, exciting, and deeply joyful. Most of the time life falls somewhere between these extremes. The modern world is obsessed with extremes. So many things are viewed as either/or, rather than the far vaster middle between them. It’s all black or white, never mind

Why Does Everything Come With A Lesson?

Learning is essential to your life experience. Everything you do, everything that just happens, every experience you have, anyone you meet, anywhere you go, will teach you a lesson. Some lessons don’t manifest immediately, others are instantaneous, and still others appear one way but turn out to be another. Even the greatest minds to ever live, the smartest, wisest, and most educated on the planet today, and those who are yet to come can’t and don’t know everything. Nobody can

Nobody Starts at the Top of Their Game

Everybody starts as a beginner. Every great began as a beginner. Whether they were a leader, writer, painter, artist, athlete, or whatever, they started as a beginner. Nobody enters any given field as an expert. Nobody. Yes, some people advance quicker than others. This is dependent on inherent skill and/or talent, how they learn, how fast they learn, natural ability, and all sorts of other factors along the way. Still, even those who have the most gifts and innate proficiencies

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