The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Does Thought Drive the Universe?

Thought is one of the main driving forces of the Universe. Everything that ever was, currently is, or ever shall be begins with thought.  Somewhere there was an idea that led to a feeling from which action was taken.  Thus is reality as we know it made manifest. There are certain aspects of our reality that are completely universal.  The sun, moon and stars, air, water, earth, and so on.  But even these can be altered by thought.  There are

How Does Pathwalking Lead to Manifestation?

Consciousness creates reality.  Think it, feel it, act upon it, and the manifestation of your desire can come into being. I know that this feels like a lie.  Despite how topsy-turvy and chaotic the world at large currently is, the truth of this does not change. However, in order to manifest anything into reality, there are several truths we need to embrace.  Not just accept or acknowledge, but really embrace.  These truths can feel like lies, because they run counter

What Changes Do You Want to Make?

Choosing what changes we make for our lives is a key goal of Pathwalking. The entire cosmos is in a constant state of change.  I think probably one of the only constants in the universe is that everything changes, constantly. Human nature seeks stability.  We like to know who we are, where we are, and what we are.  As such, there is resistance to change, which can even get pretty violent at times.  Yet no matter how much we want

How Powerful Can Thank You Be?

Thank You are two of the most powerful words available to us.  Thank you is one of the most powerful phrases we can employ. We frequently neglect just how powerful the words we use are.  Words matter.  What we say has an enormous impact on the world around us. When we recognize how powerful our words are, we develop the power to make more of the world around us.  We can choose to alter our feelings, perspective, and world view

How Is Pathwalking Mindful?

When we are mindful of our thoughts, feelings and actions, we can walk any path. The key to doing this is to work on spending more time in the here-and-now.  When we are mindful of where we are, at this very moment, we empower ourselves to best walk the paths for the lives we desire. Mindfulness is awareness.  When we are aware, we have control.  Pathwalking is about taking control of the life we lead, so being mindful is imperative

What Is Reality?

Reality is how we perceive the world around us.  It both is and isn’t that simple, of course. No less an authority than Albert Einstein said, “Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one.”  What that means is that what we perceive as our reality is different for everyone. To me, this thoroughly supports the notion that consciousness creates reality.  Since the reality we perceive is completely individual, and a persistent illusion, isn’t it completely logical that we can create

Why Might You Set Aside Your Path?

Once in a very great while, your path will need to be set aside for that of another. I know that I am constantly writing about how, to consciously create reality, we have to choose for ourselves.  This is always true.  But every now and then our own path is not as important as the path of another. How does that work?  We all have people in our lives who are important to us.  They are loved ones, close friends,

How Do I Interfere With My Path?

There are always things which will interfere with your chosen path. Many of these things are beyond our control.  I can’t do anything about current government stupidity, hurricanes, foreign wars, and the overall negative attitude of other people.  Yes, I can write letters to the leadership, support hurricane relief funds, and take other proactive actions.  However, it’s important to recognize that this is limited, and needs to be proactive rather than reactive. Why proactive?  Because if we are constantly reacting

What Do I Choose?

What I choose is what is best for me. Nobody but me can choose what I want for my life.  Why?  Because there is nobody else inside my head. People question people’s life choices all the time.  I don’t know if it’s a schadenfreude thing, or a judgement thing, or something else.  We talk about it all the time, and we frequently discuss how we might have chosen differently, or comment about disagreeing with choices that have been made. It’s

What’s Your Opinion?

Everyone is capable of having an opinion. Being entitled to an opinion, however, has frequently been carried to a dangerous and unhealthy extreme. What’s the difference?  Let’s say that it is my opinion that the moon is made of green cheese.  We know of course that it’s not.  We have physical evidence returned from the moon to disprove me.  When you show me a moon rock, and explain to me that the composition of the moon is not cheesy, I

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