The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What is Reality?

What is reality? Wiser men and women than me have been pondering this question for almost as long as we came down from the trees.  But for our everyday purposes, reality is this moment.  Reality is the world we experience, here and now. Much of what we consider reality is, however, an illusion.  Even brilliant scientist Albert Einstein told us this: “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” But what does that mean?  Simply put our individual

How do you Empower your Power?

Empower your power. Today in America is Independence Day.  It was on this day in 1776 that the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the original 13 colonies.  That action birthed a nation that has been both loved and hated across the globe, with ideals of freedom, liberty and independence that would change the greater world around it. “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them

Can Gratitude Change the World?

It is difficult to feel gratitude in the face of overwhelming unfairness, cruelty and disdain. Expressing gratitude, however, is a fundamental building block for creating change. I find the news extremely disheartening.  The United States is being led by a petulant, narcissistic man-child and his unscrupulous associates.  Long-standing institutions that made the nation a world-leader are being dismantled or massively corrupted.  Allies are being alienated.  Congress cannot be bothered to do their job and fix this in the name of

Will You Be Silent?

Do not be silent when you need to shout. See atrocities happening?  Feel angry, distressed, disturbed, incensed?  Make your voice be heard, and tell them this will not stand. We are being bombarded by almost surreal amounts of negativity.  There are some pretty terrible things happening out there, and they cannot be ignored.  No matter how much we try to stay away from all this bad news, it is impossible not to recognize the awful things that are happening. Hard

Should We Be Stubborn?

Like everything in life, there are times to be stubborn, and times to be more flexible or yielding. How do you know when to fight and when not to?  This is dictated by a combination of logic, reasoning, and emotion. Some fights are on a pretty grand scale.  For example, politics in the United States.  Resisting the anti-science, pro-business, anti-intellectual rhetoric and policies coming out of Congress and the White House is something of an imperative.  If we do not

How is Communication Key?

Communication is key. It is super easy to take this for granted.  Sure, people talk, they attempt to converse with one another…but all too often, they don’t truly communicate with each other. What’s the difference?  Communication is a two-way street.  Everyone involved both talks and listens.  There is a certain amount of give-and-take, which will take different forms depending on the people involved. Many of the problems in the world today could be resolved if there was actual, factual communication.

How Does Being Only in the Now Work?

Only the now matters in the grand scheme of things. Yes, we can learn from the past and do things to prepare for the future…but this moment is the most real moment we will have. Only the now is the place of true reality.  The actual, factual place where anything exists.  Each individual moment, right here and right now, are where reality lives. My latest reading material has been Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. 

Why am I Struggling?

I’m tired of struggling with this feeling. Deep in the pit of my heart there is this ever-present sense of dread.  It is utterly and completely fear-based, and no matter how often I address it in meditation, I can’t completely shake it. Why am I so fearful of this?  What is it that I am afraid of? This is the question I have been asking myself as I have entered into my daily meditation for the last few days.  What

Can Logic and Emotion Coexist?

Can logic and emotion coexist? There are many times that these two notions seem diametrically opposed.  And yet they do both exist in everyone.  But the balance and conflict between these concepts can be surreal at times. First, a necessary clarification.  Logic, in this particular example, is thought and reason without emotion.  This includes the performance of any number of actions, tangible or otherwise, with no emotional entanglements. To super-simplify this, the root of the issue is heart versus head.

How Does Joy Empower?

Joy empowers us. When we do things that bring joy into our lives, we make ourselves better, stronger, and happier.  Joy raises our frequency, and lets us attract more of the things we truly want for ourselves. Yet we frequently will deny ourselves joy.  Why?  A number of different reasons, of course. First is the external.  In a society so focused on lack and scarcity, we wind up made to feel guilty if something makes us feel joyful.  We begin

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