The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Satisfaction or Success?

What if it’s not success we truly seek in life – but satisfaction? I have been on multiple quests throughout my life. Along the way, I have sought a place to truly call home. Not just the location. The notion of home – where I am rooted and meant to be. Though still a bit vague – I have found that. I sought a career. There were many different job ideas that I pursued. Radio DJ, theatre, graphic arts, journalism,

Don’t Fall Off a Cliff

When choosing your path, sometimes you reach a cliff it’s best not to fall off of. When you decide to take control over your destiny and walk a path of your choosing, there are many obstacles you’ll encounter along the way. Some will be external. People, places, things, and such – both tangible and intangible. They might be major obstacles and roadblocks, or minor. While outside of your control, how you interact with and react to them is on you.

I Don’t Need You to Understand My Path

It’s my path, my life. Nobody else needs to understand – nor approve of – the choices and decisions I make. Like most people, there are numerous choices and decisions I have made along the way that were imperfect. Less-than good. Wrong. Bad. And worse. Part of the human experience is the choices and decisions you make. Some of them will lead to amazing discoveries, incredible experiences, and ultimately success. But then, some will lead to awful discoveries, lousy experiences,

The Problem With Neutrality

Maintaining neutrality over positivity or negativity doesn’t serve you when it comes to choices and decisions. For years, I have espoused the values of conscious reality creation, mindfulness, and positivity in my Pathwalking philosophy. When it comes to positivity, however, many quickly jump to toxic positivity. In the simplest of terms, toxic positivity is positivity used to disregard, ignore, and erase negativity at the expense of true awareness. If the opposite of positivity is negativity – and it is –

Be Who You Love

Be who you love – and your life will reflect that. Self-love is often misunderstood and viewed as selfish, arrogant, egotistical, and many other negative connotations. But the truth of self-love is that the person you spend the most time with is you. In fact, you cannot leave yourself, abandon yourself, or set yourself aside. Of course, astral projection, distractions, drugs, alcohol, and other things can separate you from yourself temporarily. But no matter where you go – there you

I’ve Written This Before

I’ve written this before – and will write it all again. In pursuit of living my philosophy, I have written the same things over and over again. Despite the fact I’ve written this before, I know that I will write it again. And that’s simply because it bears repeating. This applies to the following ideas/notions/concepts: Consciousness creates reality Mindfulness is conscious awareness of your sensory input as well as your thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions Change is the only constant

Fitting in and Being Liked

Fitting in and being liked are not all that important when all is said and done. Throughout my teen years and well into my thirties, I really wanted to fit in. Not necessarily in the grand scheme of society – but within the structures that I spent time in. Before high school, I spent my formative years as an outsider. I was the odd, fat, short Jewish kid from the single-parent home in our very Lutheran Midwest suburban neighborhood. In

Choosing the So-Called “Easy Path” is not Easy

The “easy path” is what leads many people to depression, anxiety, and the like. What is the easy path? The easy path is the conventional path. It’s doing the expected and shoehorning yourself into a “normal” life. To be fair, there are people for whom this is fine. A normal, conventional life makes them content, happy, and fulfilled. I have nothing but respect for that – and if you are in that boat, more power to you. Unfortunately, I think

Getting Myself Consciously and Subconsciously Aligned

I know my goals – short and long term – now I just need to get aligned. When I was 9 years old, I wrote my first work of fiction. It was 50 pages and illustrated – and I got a tremendous sense of accomplishment from creating it. Over the years, I continued to write in fits and starts. While I knew my passion was writing, I bought into a whole lot of the notorious lies about it. Most writers

Focusing Within Gives You More Control Than Focusing Without

I need to put less into focusing on the things outside of my control. We live in a crazy world. After a year that featured massive, necessary social change due to a pandemic, an awful election and ongoing ugliness after it, and massive uncertainty – there is a light at the end of the tunnel. But that light isn’t the same for everyone. For some people it’s daylight – for others, it’s an oncoming train. This is largely dependent on

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